
少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E05.docx

少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E05.docx

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Young.Sheldon.S04E05 第 第 PAGE 一 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Young.Sheldon.S04E05 Previously on Young Sheldon... 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 All right, let me startby saying that I owe you an apology. 我想先从跟你道歉开始 I want you to know that Im trying to change. 我想让你知道我在试着改变 What do you want from me? 你想要我怎样 One more chance. 再给我一次机会 Thanks again for giving me another shot. 谢谢你愿意再给我一次机会 Well, Im trying to get better at forgiving people. 我想要试着当个宽恕别人的人 Well, Im glad to hear you say that, 我很高兴听到你这么说 cause Im the one who egged your store last night. 因为昨晚蛋洗你店的人就是我 Hmm, forgiving people sucks. 原谅人真是太不爽了 Should we say grace? 我们要不要做饭前祷告 Heck yeah! 当然好啊 Oh, cool, lets say grace. 好开心哦 一起说饭前祷告 Well? 怎么样 Its very... 非常... colorful. 色彩缤纷啊 Check out the best part. 给你看最棒的 Want to try it out? 想来试试吗 As long as I can remember, 从我有记忆以来 unlocking the mechanisms that govern the physical universe 解开物理学宇宙的重重奥秘 was my greatest passion. 就是我最大的志向 - Whatcha workin on? - Dungeons Dragons. -你在忙什么呢 -《龙与地下城》 Hey, even Hawking took a roll through the park once in a while. 干嘛 霍金教授偶尔也会到公园里飞驰几圈啊 Im working on a new campaign to play with Tam and Billy. 我在设计要跟丹与比利一起玩的新战役 You know how I feel about that game. 你知道我对那游戏有什么感觉的吧 Im aware, which is why the most wicked thing in it 我知道啊 所以战役加入的最邪恶的东西 is my sense of humor. 就只是我的幽默感 I still dont like it. 我还是不喜欢 But you are playing with other kids, so Ill take it as a win. 不过你是跟其他孩子玩 我就当塞翁失马吧 Not just playing with other kids, 这不仅仅是跟其他孩子玩 controlling every aspect 我还以无上的地下城主身份 of their destiny as their Dungeon Master overlord. 全方位控制着他们的命运 I didnt believe in God but I sure loved acting like one. 我虽不相信有神 但我绝对爱当神的感觉 Hey, Mary. 玛丽 - Wayne, come on in. - Thank you. -韦恩 请进 -谢谢 George just ran to pick up some beers. 乔治跑出去买几手啤酒去了 Its funny when he runs, aint it? 他跑起来的样子挺好笑的 对吧 Oh, hey, Darlene wanted to know 达琳想问一下 if you were gonna pack anything nice to wear. 你到时候会特别带好看的衣服去吗 For what? 去什么 The coaches conference. 教练大会啊 I wasnt going to that. Darlenes going? 我没有要去啊 达琳要去吗 A free weekend in San Antonio?


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