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第三部分 名人故事(五) 21. Albert Einstein, a Great Scientific Thinker 艾伯特?爱因斯坦—伟大的科学思想家 艾伯特?爱因斯坦,举世闻名的德裔美国科学家,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人。爱因 斯坦的狭义相对论成功地揭示了能量与质量之间的关系,解决了长期存在的恒星能源来源的 难题。近年来发现越来越多的高能物理现象,狭义相对论已成为解释这种现象的一种最基本 的理论工具。其广义相对论也解决了一个天文学上多年的不解之谜,并推断出后来被验证了 s 的光线弯曲现象,还成为后来许多天文概念的理论基础。大大推动了现代天文学的发展。 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was one of the greatest and most original scientific thinkers of all time. Born of Jewish parents at Ulm in Germany, he completed his education in Switzerland and got his Ph. D. at the University of Zurich. He went to live in the United States in 1933 because of the rise of Nazism in Germany and Hitler’s persecution of the Jews. In 1905, while still at Zurich, he published his Special Theory of Relativi,ty which was based on things everyone may have noticed. If two trains are standing alongside each other and one train starts to move, a person sitting in the train may wonder whether his own train is moving or the other is moving, and before he finds out what is happening, he can see that one train is moving relative to the other. From this and also from other more complicated facts, Einstein came to the conclusion that all motion is relative and that there is really no such thing as absolute motion. Some of the other conclusions he drew are that nothing can go faster than light, and that if something such as a ruler was moving faster and faster it would seem to get shorter and shorter as its speed was near the speed of light. By 1915, Einstein had made known his General Theory of Relativit.yHe also improved on Newton’s theory of gravity. Most fo his theories have been tested and found to be true though some may sound strange. For his important work he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics. Towards the end of his life, Einstein was asked by a group of students to explain his complicated Theory of Relativit.y He said, “When you sit with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute; but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, it seems like an hour


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