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湖南工业大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE I 摘 要 在游人和居民经常光顾的场所,如公园、广场、旅游景点及一些知名建筑前,经常会修建一些喷泉供人们休闲、观赏。这些喷泉按一定的规律改变喷水式样,如果再与五颜六色的灯光相配合,在和谐优雅的音乐中,更使人心旷神怡,流连忘返。随着可编程控制器在我国的迅速发展,对花式喷泉的控制要求也越来越高,使得越来越多的控制部分需要可编程控制器来实现。使用PLC控制花式喷泉,具有使用方便,运行可靠,控制程序设计简单等优点。用梯形图方法编程,可以使设计思路清晰,编程简便.若需要改变喷水花样和喷水时间,设计方案不必作很大调整,只要把控制程序作相应的修改,即可实现控制目的。本设计讲述的是如何利用PLC控制喷泉喷水方式,产生各样的样式,并给出了花式喷泉的喷水花样,选择西门子的PLC作为控制器,分配了4种喷水花样下PLC的I/O接口、设计了PLC的外部接线图及控制梯形图,同时用MCGS组态软件完成了花式喷泉系统人机界面的设计,通过人机屏面和西门子PLC之间的通讯,实现了小型喷泉系统基于PLC监控。 关键词: PLC,喷泉,控制系统,组态 湖南工业大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE ABSTRACT The place which patronizes frequently in the tourist and there resident, before like the park, the square, the scenic site and some well-known constructions, will construct some eruptive fountains to supply the people leisure, watching frequently. These eruptive fountains according to certain rule change spraying of water model, if coordinates again with the colorful light, in with the harmonious graceful music, causes the human to be completely relaxed, forgets to return. As the rapid development of the programmable logic controller, it has been appied in the control field to meet the more and more demanding. With the advantages such as its high reliability and easy of use, it can simplify the design logic and programming. When controlment demand changing, the user just need to adapt the program, avoiding modify the design plan if needs to change the pattern and time of fountains. What this article narrated is how using the PLC control eruptive fountain spraying of water way, has all kinds styles. Fore patterns of the fountain were given. The distribution of PLC is input/output interface was described under those patterns. The external hookup and ladder diagrams were designed also in this paper. The configuration realization of the system was introduced. Configuration dynamic simulation was completed by communicating the configuration software and the PLC hardware of SIEMENS. Keywords: PLC,eruptive fountain,control system,Configuration 目 录 TOC \


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