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学号: 密级: 武汉东湖学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 三自由度并联机械手的设计 院(系)名 称:机电工程学院 专 业 名 称:机械设计制造及其自动化 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 二〇一六年五月六日 郑重声明 我郑重声明:本人恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风,所呈交的学术论文是本人在老师的指导下 ,独立进行研究工作所取得的结果。除文中明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何他人已经发表和撰写过得内容。论文为本人亲自撰写,并对所写内容负责 。 本人签名: 日 期:2016年5月7号 摘 要 随着机器人技术的快速发展,并联机械手的应用领域越来越广,已成为当今机器人领域新的研究热点。针对并联机械手机构比传统串联机械手更复杂的问题,本文以一种轻型高速的三自由度Delta 并联机械手为例,在完成其运动学的基础上,对并联机械手进行了建模以及装配。 首先,本文介绍了三自由度并联机械手机构的工作原理,并对其进行了运动学分析。其中,对机构的自由度进行的计算,采用几何法求得了其运动学正解以及其运动学逆解。其次,对机构进行了速度模型及雅克比矩阵的分析。实现了solidworks对机构的零部件与装配图三维建模。最后,通过个零部件的配合,实现了三自由度并联机械手的装配。 关键词:并联机械手;三自由度;3D建模 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of robot technology, parallel manipulator used more and more widely, has become the hot spot in the field of new robots today. In view of the parallel manipulator mechanism more complex than the traditional serial manipulator problem, based on a lightweight high-speed three degree of freedom parallel manipulator as an example, the Delta at the completion of its kinematics, on the basis of the parallel manipulator has carried on the modeling and assembly. First, this paper introduces the working principle of three degrees of freedom parallel manipulator mechanism, and carries on the kinematics analysis. Among them, the institution of degree of freedom for the calculation of geometric method is used to obtain the positive kinematics solution and its inverse kinematics solution. Second, the institutions for the velocity model and the Jacobi matrix analysis. Implements the solidworks for spare parts and assembly drawing 3 d modeling of the organization. Finally, by a spare parts, implements the three degree of


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