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PAGE PAGE IV 摘要 火力发电厂作为我国最主要的燃煤工厂之一,每年排放的二氧化硫和氮氧化合物是酸雨及其他大气危害的主要来源,烟气排放监测系统是监测烟气排放的现代化手段,不仅可以为环境监管部门提供工厂排放的实时数据,而且可以为电厂调节空气燃煤比,减少二氧化硫等气态污染排放物提供依据。 论文详细介绍了烟气排放系统一般结构与基本原理,红外吸收法分析二氧化硫和氮氧化合物的含量,论文设计内容主要包括烟气排放系统的分析、PLC硬件控制系统设计和上位机组态王监控系统的设计。 本论文设计实现的烟气排放监测系统具有操作便捷,扩展性强,维护和升级方便的特点,可精确稳定地进行烟气排放的监测,并具有串口通信功能。 关键词 烟气排放监测;PLC;组态王;火力发电厂;S7-200 Abstract Coal-fired power plants as one of Chinas major coal-fired plant , Annual emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the main source of acid rain and other atmospheric hazards. Flue gas emission monitoring system is a modern means of monitoring the flue gas emissions. Industrial emissions and real-time data, and can adjust the ratio of air to coal-fired power plant to reduce sulfur dioxide and other gaseous pollutant emissions to provide a basis not only for the environmental regulatory authorities. The paper introduces the flue gas discharge system structure and the basic principles of the content of the infrared absorption method for the analysis of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the thesis mainly including analysis of the flue gas discharge system, PLC hardware control system design and PC KingView monitoringthe design of the system.In this thesis, the design and implementation of flue gas emission monitoring system with easy operation, scalability, and easy to maintain and upgrade, Can be accurately and stably flue gas emissions monitoring, and having a serial communication function. Key words: CEMS; PLC; kingview;Coal-fired power plants; S7-200 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \f \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 第一章 绪论 - 1 - 1.1 论文的研究背景与意义 - 1 - 1.2 烟气排放监测技术的发展 - 1 - 1.2.1 国内外研究的现状 - 2 - 1.2.2 我国火电厂检测现状分析 - 4 - 1.3 本系统技术的发展趋势 - 5 - 1.4 本文的主要工作 - 5 - 第二章 烟气排放监测系统的结构 - 7 - 2.1 烟气排放监测系统的组成 - 7 - 2.2 采样与预处理子系统 - 7 - 2.2.1 采样工况 - 7 - 2.2.2 采样位置 - 7 - 2.2.2 稀释采样探头 - 7 - 2.2.4 样气预处理 - 8 - 2.3 烟尘监测子系统 - 8 - 2.3.1 烟尘监测的目的和监测项目 - 8 - 2.3.2 烟尘监测方法 - 9 - 2.3.3 测尘仪的校准与反吹 -



