初稿 基于PLC的三轴机械手控制系统设计(3).docVIP

初稿 基于PLC的三轴机械手控制系统设计(3).doc

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学科分类号 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于PLC的三轴机械手控制系统设计 院 (系): 电气与电子工程学院 专 业 年 级: 电气工程及其自动化专业 2018 学 生 姓 名: 庞均弟 学 号: 1812406102014 指 导 教 师: 梁永忠、倪元相 2022年3月 基于PLC的三轴机械手控制系统设计 摘要:本课题是基于PLC的三轴机械手控制系统设计,采用西门子的S7-200 PLC,选择晶体管输出,本体含2路高速脉冲输出,控制2个伺服,另外增加一个EM253伺服控制模块,控制第3个伺服驱动器。采用三个伺服分别驱动机械手升降、左右行、左右旋转,实现三轴控制,将传送带A上的工件自动转移到传送带B上。为了防止空操作,在传送带A位置检测是否有工件,有工件则执行下降抓取,无工件则等待。同时为了防止碰撞,在传送带B位置检测工件是否离开,有工件则不下降。采样MCGS上位机进行监控,进行手动自动控制,设定参数,进行流程查看。采用伺服外加各限位检测,能精确控制升降,左右行,左右旋转位置和速度,控制方便灵活,控制精度高。分析控制要求,进行了总体设计,硬件设计,软件设计,组态设计,最后进行了PLC调试和组态调试,经调试设计符合要求,达到了预期设计目的,具有一定的参考价值。 关键词:伺服控制;三轴控制;机械手 Design of three axis manipulator control system based on PLC Abstract: this topic is based on the PLC three-axis manipulator control system design, using Siemens S7-200 PLC, select transistor output, body contains two high-speed pulse output, control two servo, and add an EM253 servo control module, control the third servo driver. Three servos are used to drive the manipulator to lift, move left and right, and rotate left and right respectively to realize three-axis control, and automatically transfer the workpiece on conveyor belt a to conveyor belt B. In order to detect whether the workpiece is in the waiting position a, the operation is performed. At the same time, in order to prevent collision, it detects whether the workpiece leaves at the B position of the conveyor belt, and does not drop if there is a workpiece. Sampling MCGS upper computer for monitoring, manual and automatic control, setting parameters, process view. Servo plus limit detection, can accurately control the lifting, left and right, left and right rotation position and speed, convenient and flexible control, high control precision. Analysis of control requirements, the overall design, hardware design, software design, configuration design, and finally the PLC debugging and configuration debugging, the debugging design meets the requirements, achieves the expected design purpose, ha



