2018-闭环电生理学 过去、现在和未来的观点和应用.pdfVIP

2018-闭环电生理学 过去、现在和未来的观点和应用.pdf

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Closed-loop electrophysiology: past, present and future perspectives and applications Buccelli S, Tessadori J, Colombi I, Martines L, Bisio M, Averna A, Semprini M, Pasquale V, and Chiappalone Michela* Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genova, Italy *michela.chiappalone@iit.it Abstract— The combination of recording and stimulation different hybrid model systems have been developed [3, 6, into closed-loop electrophysiological systems is one of the most 7], consisting of living neurons coupled to a robotic system. challenging topics in neuroscience and neural engineering. The These systems are used in the context of the ‘embodied application of such systems can range from basic electrophysiology’, a growing field that could help to realize neuroscientific questions to neurorehabilitation purposes. In innovative bi-directional Brain-Machine Interfaces [8]. this review, we summarize the main results obtained with a hybrid neurorobotic platform that we developed in the past to Following a similar approach and inspired by previous perform closed-loop experiments. To minimize the complexity works [6, 9] we built a closed-loop electrophysiological of the biological network, we used cultured neuronal networks system by interfac



