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题源报刊阅读10篇 目录 1.The SurprisingRevivaloftheHawaiian Language 夏威夷语的传奇复兴2 2.ClimateChangeandtheThreattoCompanies气候变化和企业面临的风险5 3.Big CarmakersarePlacingVast Betson ElectricVehicles 大型汽车制造商纷纷将 目光投向电动汽车8 4.The PoisonsReleased by MeltingArctic Ice 北极永冻层解冻释放出的有毒物质 11 5.How toMake SuretheFish WeEat is Safe 食品安全:用信息链截停受污染的海 鲜14 6.DroneDeliveriesareAdvancing in Health Care 无人机投递在医疗卫生行业取得 进展17 7.ThePromiseandPerilsof SyntheticBiology 合成生物学的希望与危机20 8.The Stock Market’sDangersareEasier to SeeNow 股市危机显而易见23 9.How Governments Should Deal with the Rise of the Gig Economy 零工经济方兴 未艾,政府如何应对26 10.Secure,speedy and at scale:how toensureyour futuresbright inthecloud 安全、 快速、大规模:如何用云技术保证你光明的未来30 1 1.TheSurprisingRevival oftheHawaiianLanguage夏威夷语的传奇复兴 So sing the children at Hawaii’s Punana Leo O Hilo kindergarten on the Big Island of Hawaii. “It is raining on the uplands, it is raining by the sea.” The chant is much like any other “Rain, rain, go away” nursery rhyme, but it has an unusual power: it is one of the tools that has brought about the revival of a near-dead language. The decline of Hawaiian was not, as is the case with most disappearing languages, a natural demise caused by migration and mass media. In 1896, after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by American business interests, schools were banned from using the language, and children were beaten for speaking it. By the late 20th century, aside from a couple of hundred people on one tiny island, English had replaced Hawaiian and only the old spoke the language to each other. The civil-rights movement brought a revival of interest among the young, centred on the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Larry Kimura, a professor there, was not satisfied that the language should be merely a subject taught at college: he and his students wanted to bring it back to life.


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