高中英语 02 7选502 7选5(原卷版+解析版).docx

高中英语 02 7选502 7选5(原卷版+解析版).docx

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2021高考英语真题分类拔高练习02 7选5 1.(2020·新课标Ⅱ)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ??? Emoji (表情符号) and Workplace Communication ??? In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. ________. Its been reported that 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work. ??? Written communications can often read as cold and dull. Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear. ________, encouraging better and more frequent communication. ??? In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge. ________. While the younger generations prefer to communicate visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve (曲线). The good news is that its simple to learn and can be worth the effort. ??? There is also the matter of tone (语气). Who hasnt received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day? ________. Emoji can help communication feel friendlier, and even a serious note can be softened with an encouraging smile. ??? ________, and emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome. And when your employees begin adding smiling emojis to their business communication, youll know you have succeeded in improving your work culture. A. Message with emojis feel more conversational B. Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly C. Sending smiling faces to colleagues may seem strange D. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally E. Giving employees the tools enables them to communicate honestly F. Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace G. An easy way to bring all work generations together is with a chat platform 2.(2019·浙江)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ??? Rock music consists of many different styles. Even though there is a common spirit among all music groups, they make very



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