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Lecture 6 Mesh Preparation Before Output to Solver
Introduction to ANSYS
Mesh Preparation Before Output to Solver
Many tools in the Edit Mesh tab
Smooth, check errors, coarsen, refine, individual element editing
Two important things should always be done before outputting the mesh to the solver
Make sure the mesh is error-free by going through the Error and Possible Problem checks
Fix any problems
Smooth the mesh to an acceptable quality
Fix any problems which cannot smooth to the minimum quality
These two steps are not necessary with a structured hexa mesh because they are usually handled with the tools in the Blocking tab
When fixing errors or low quality problems, there are always two basic choices:
If there are few problems, edit the elements directly to fix
If there are many problems, inspect the source of the problem, such as a mesh size or geometry problem, then fix this and remesh
Either choice involves the use of mesh subsets to visualize the problem elements
Mesh Checks
To diagnose mesh connectivity problems
Errors – most likely to cause problems in:
Translation to solver
Solver mesh input
Solution convergence/run
Possible Problems – “Unclean surface mesh”
Strange configurations of elements, sharp peaks
Unwanted holes/gaps
May result in incorrect solution
Definitions of errors and possible problems found in appendix and help
Can check any combination of errors/possible problems
Individually select
Clicking on Error or Possible Problems headings will select all options in column – selecting again will de-select all
Set Defaults will select the most common checks for the current mesh type (2D or 3D)
Check Mode
Create Subsets – creates a subset of elements for each problem found (will run through all selected checks)
Check/Fix Each – offers automatic fixing of some problems (needs user decision after each problem found)
Mesh Checks – Check Mode
If Create Subsets was selected
Will go through all checked criteria without interruption
Elements that
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