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应用文好词好句素材积累2(附翻译与练习)--2022届高考英语专题备考 1.推荐一些不容错过的景点? recommend?some can’t-be-missed attractions 2.表示最热烈的欢迎,并通知你有关安排 ?extend our warmest welcome and keep you informed of the arrangements 3.学业压力带来的自我关心的缺失 ?lack of self-care brought by academic pressure 4.通过健康的饮食、充分的休息和定期的体育活动,在学习和休息之间取得平衡? strike a balance between study and rest by means of healthy eating, adequate rest and regular physical activities 5.不积硅步,无以至千里 Every small step counts! 6.激发学生的想象力和创造力,丰富我们的校园生活 ?spark students’ imagination and creativity as well as enrich our school life 7.通过中国古典诗词传递的智慧,对学习汉语的人来说,可以说是印象深刻,很有帮助。 The wisdom delivered through Chinese classic poems can be rather impressive and helpful for learners of Chinese. 8.中国古代文化正在重新得到普及 ?ancient Chinese culture is regaining popularity 9.很遗憾,我无法参加...... It is much to my regret that I cannot join... 10.忙于后天的一场重要考试 be fully occupied with an important exam coming the day after tomorrow 11.错过了这样一个愉快的聚会的机会? miss the chance of such an agreeable get-together 12.请不要犹豫,给我写信告诉我你喜欢的日期。 Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date. 13.简单地说,...... Put simply,... 14.鉴于我在艺术和语言方面的天赋,再加上我愿意寻求新的经验,我一直计划学习与媒体有关的东西。 Given my talents in art and language, coupled with my willingness to seek new experience, I’ve been planning to learn something related to the media. 15.热衷于参加社区服务,以及喜欢与来自不同背景和习俗的同龄人分享故事 ?be enthusiastic about participating in community service and sharing stories with peers from different backgrounds and customs 16.作为同龄人,我相信我们有很多共同点。 Being of the same age, I’m sure we have much in common. 17.唐诗,是押韵的魅力和文采的结合体? Tang poem, a combination of rhyming charm and literary beauty 18.创造一个耐人寻味的和谐班级氛围? create an intriguing and harmonious class atmosphere 19.痴迷于中国书法? be obsessed with Chinese calligraphy 20.量身定做的课程都是用英文的,让你的旅程没有语言障碍的阻碍 ?The tailor-made courses are all in English, which makes no language obstacles getting in the way of your journey 21.不要让这样的机会溜走。 ?Don’t let such an opportunity slip. 22.这个城市因其丰富的古建筑而享有很高的声誉,它代表了当地传统的生活方式 The city enjo



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