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计算机专业英语;Words and Expressions;学习重点;  Since the technology is developing rapidly nowadays, nearly all people are familiar with computers. It has become an essential part of human life. Everyone is keen on it. Now let’s see what a computer is. ;  It can store and process data and produce output results under the direction of a stored program of instructions in a very fast and accurate way. It can not only deal with letters, characters and figures but also sounds, images and information of other sorts. It is very convenient for people to deal with routine tasks and all kinds of dull figures by computer in a more enjoyable way. Computers are human’s friends and they are useful tools for people. ;Lesson 1 What Is a Computer? ;Lesson 1 What Is a Computer? ;Lesson 1 What Is a Computer? ;Lesson 1 What Is a Computer? ;Words and Expressions;Words and Expressions;  1. Since the technology is developing rapidly nowadays ... 由于当今科技发展迅速…… since 在这里表示“由于”的意思,引导原因状语从句, 例如: Since we are going to have our final exam, we should get well prepared. 由于快考试了,我们要做好充分的准备。   2. ... all people are familiar with computer. 所有的人都对计算机很熟悉。 be familiar with sth. 表示“对……熟悉”,例如: We are all familiar with Jay Chou. He is a famous pop star. 我们都熟悉周杰伦,他是个著名的流行歌手。;Notes;Notes;Notes;Notes;2.扩展词汇。 palmtop computer 掌上电脑 component 元件,组件 clipboard 剪贴板 machine language 机器语言 register 寄存器 processor 处理器 high speed cache memory 高速缓冲存储器 disk drive 磁盘驱动器 floppy disk 软盘;Reading Comprehension;Reading Comprehension;Reading Comprehension;Reading Comprehension;译文;  今天市面上电脑种类应有尽有。日常生活中人们用电脑学习、工作或娱乐。典型的电脑看起来像是个电视机,我们称之为桌上型电脑。在人们的办公桌,家里或是网吧都能见到这种电脑,这种电脑通常是个人电脑。近几年逐渐被一种称为笔记本的电脑所代替。后一种比前一种更 小但也更加昂贵。但是它更加方便,因为它足够小可以放到公文包里。   我们所说的电脑并不仅限于以上谈到的几种。其他种类的电脑就在我们的周围,例如,洗衣机里和自动取款机里的电脑。电脑确实在我们日常生活中帮了大忙。它们使生活变得丰富多彩,方便快捷和舒适。 ;微型计算机   15年前,大部分人很少知道计算机,至少没有直接接触到计算机。当然,他们填过电脑打印的表格,做过电脑制作的试卷,付过电脑打印的账单。但是真正的和电脑相关的工作是由电脑程序员、数据输入员和电脑操作员来完成的。   随着微机的产生,人们生活的各个方面都在发生改变。今天,几乎每个人都能很容易地操作电脑。使用电脑的人叫做终端用户。现在:微机是各个领域的普通工具。作家用微机写作,艺术家用它画画,工程师和科


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