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L1 The Underdog Guess the meaning of an Underdog a. a dog that is defeated by other dogs b. an athlete who seems to have little chance to win c. a company that never wins Read Part1 quickly and say what is Underdog. a dog that is defeated by other dogs an athlete who seems to have little chance to win a company that never wins an athlete who seems to have little chance to win Read Part1 again and answer the questions. Why was Paul an underdog? How was he treated by the coach? Who was his favourite player?Why? Why was Paul an underdog? Because Paul was only 1.6 metres tall, which meant he had little chance to win. How was he treated by the coach? The coach did not believe him. Paul was usually on the bench, being just a replacement and didn’t get a chance to play. Who was his favourite player?Why? Bogues Because Bogues was also only 1.6 metres tall, which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. Paul used Bogues as his inspiration. Pair Work Read Part 1 again and say: What advantages did he have? He loved basketball. He had an inspiration. He practised more than others. He had real skills. He had a strong desire to play for the team. Part1 Para 4 “…Paul didn’t know he’d soon get the chance that he’d been waiting for.” Guess: What happened next. Read Part 2 quickly and see what happened next. During the match, an accident happened. A player got hurt, so Paul got the chance to play. He saved the game and helped the team win. Read Part2 again. Put the events in the right order a. One player got hurt and could not play. b. Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. c. “Give him a shot, coach!” d. The team had won by two points. e. “Let me try, coach! I won’t let you down!” acebd a. One player got hurt and could not play. c. “Give him a shot, coach!” e. “Let me try, coach! I won’t let you down!” b. Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. d. The team had won by two points. Worried(“We’ve got no more players!”) Negative(“He cannot play.”) Hesitant(The


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