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第 第 PAGE 1 页 How burnout makes us less creative 00:01 A few years ago, my obsession with productivity got so bad that I suffered an episode of burnout that scared the hell out of me. Im talking insomnia, weight gain, hair loss -- the works. I was so overworked that my brain literally couldnt come up with another idea. That indicated to me that my identity was linked with this idea of productivity. 00:22 [The Way We Work] 00:26 Do you feel guilty if you havent been productive enough during the day? Do you spend hours reading productivity hacks, trying new frameworks and testing new apps to get even more done? Ive tried them all -- task apps, calendar apps, time-management apps, things that are meant to manage your day. Weve been so obsessed with doing more that weve missed the most important thing. Many of these tools arent helping. Theyre making things worse. 00:51 OK, lets talk about productivity for a second. Historically, productivity as we know it today was used during the industrial revolution. It was a system that measured performance based on consistent output. You clocked into your shift and were responsible for creating X number of widgets on the assembly line. At the end of the day, it was pretty easy to see who worked hard and who hadnt. When we shifted to a knowledge economy, people suddenly had tasks that were much more abstract, things like writing, problem-solving or strategizing, tasks that werent easy to measure. Companies struggled to figure out how to tell who was working and who wasnt, so they just adopted the old systems as best as they could, leading to things like the dreaded time sheet where everyone is under pressure to justify how they spend every second of their day. 01:38 Theres just one problem. These systems dont make a lot of sense for creative work. We still think of productivity as an endurance sport. You try to churn out as many blog posts or we cram our day full of meetings. But this model of constant output isnt conducive



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