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2022 高考英语套餐加强练之续写写作 Passage 1 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的 词数应为150 左右。 “Now,parents and students separate into two groups.You will be reunited at the end of the campustour.” Groups of incoming freshmen happily left their parents upon hearing this announcement. I waslessthan thrilled about starting college, let alone leaving my mothers sideto tour the campus with other freshmen.I felt alittle anxious. Wefollowedthe seniortour guide.The other freshmen chatted andmade casualintroductions as I dragged behind.How could I have believed I wasready for this?After all, it had only been a fewmonthssinceIleftthehospital.Iwasfeelingbetter forthefirst time inyears.But college. ..? My thinking was interrupted by a sweet female voice, “Hi, I’m Jennifer.” “I’m Lauren,” I replied.“Where do you prefer to live?At home or on campus?” she smiled.“Im not sure,” I said. “You should live on campus!It willbe a lot of fun!” she said.Before I couldreply,thetour guide announceditwastimetocreateour schedulesand selectthecourseswewantedtotake. Wecrowded intothe StudentActivity Center.Three seniorshanded out thick coursebulletins (课程公告)and formsthat neededtobe filled out.All aroundme,the sounds ofturningpapers and writing sounded like those given by an alarm clock.Others seemed tobe moving through the processquicklybut Ihadn’t even openedmy coursecatalog (目录). “Focus,” I told myself. “Just read through the catalog and find the courses you like and a schedule that works.” Psychology A or B, Geology 101, English, History, sections 1, 2, 3… The listwent on andon. Ipanicked and almost started to cry.How was I supposedto know how to complete it? I was just relearning how to live in the real world, and they wanted me to make a schedule. How I wished someonecouldhelpme. Paragraph 1: Soon,other freshmenwerehandingin their forms.__________________________________ _____


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