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选词填空答题策略陆秋月2022.4.30学习目标1. 根据实词词性的方法巧解选词填空。2. 通过学习提高选词填空的答题准确率。2019-2021年北部湾经济区中考英语选词填空考情分析年份 词性考查2019名词2分;动词3分;形容词2分;副词1分,介词1分,数词1分2020名词3分;动词3分;形容词3分;代词1分;介词1分2021名词1分;动词1分,形容词3分;副词1分;连词1分;介词1分;数词1分词性解题四步骤:1. 浏览选项,确定词义,标记词性2. 略读全文,把握大意,初步确定每个空格应填的词性3. 细读文章,确定选项4. 复读全文,核验答案believe, bad, alone, realized, gamesLast term, Peter was _________ at home. His parents were doing business in another city. He felt very ________ so he often turned on the computer and played computer games. However, sitting in front of the ________ for a long time is bad for him. And he spent little time on his study. He failed his exams. Luckily, his parents ________ his problems in time. They decided to come back home. Peter studies hard now. So far, he has made progress in his study. He _______ he can catch up with his classmates soon.名词n.1. 形容词、形容词性物主代词+n.2. 主语n.+谓语3. 冠词a、an、the等+n.请同学们观察句子,找出关键词,确定每个空所要填的词性Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national ________of China.I like dancing and painting. They are my _________.I hope the ________ can take step to protect the coral reefs.______ will like this kind of small cars more and more.动词v.1. 主语+谓语v.2. 不定式to+动词v.原形; 助动词(don’t, didn’t, will等)+v.原形 情态动词(should, shall, must, can等)+v.原形3. be/介词+v-ing请同学们观察句子,找出关键词,确定每个空所要填的词性The players can ______ a red or a blue train along the track(轨道),passing Seattle’s famous places and buildings.Sam hope to ________ the film Big hero 6 again.Last month, many boys ________ the 1000-metre race in the PE test .形容词adj.1. 系动词+形容词adj. 如be+adj. 或者become,get等+形容词adj. 感官动词(look, sound, taste,feel, smell等)+adj.2. 形容词adj.+名词3. too/so+ 形容词adj.请同学们观察句子,找出关键词,确定每个空所要填的词性She was so ______ that she couldn’t go to work on time.What’s the weather like? ---It’s _______.“The thing is if people get ______ in this,.... MCKaulay can make it by anything.”Some roads will be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the small, _______ cars.副词adv.1. 副词adv.+动词或者动词+副词adv.2. 副词adv. +形容词请同学们观察句子,找出关键词,确定每个空所要填的


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