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英语学习必备·精品word可编辑 英语学习资料汇编 英语学习资料汇编 口腔科(牙科)常用英文词汇 alveolar bone 牙槽骨 alveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤 apical infection 根尖感染 apical cyst 根尖囊肿 branchial cleft cyst 肋裂囊肿 carcinoma of maxillary sinus 上颌窦癌 carcinoma of tongue 舌癌 cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎 cementum 牙骨质 carcinoma of buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌 carcinoma of gingiva 牙龈癌 carcinoma of lip 唇癌 caries 龋齿 circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头 crown fracture 冠折 deciduous teeth 乳牙 dental impaction 牙掼生 dental plaque 菌斑 dental root fracture 根折 denticulus,denticle 髓石 dentoalveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 drug-induced gingivitis 药物性龈炎 dental crown 牙冠 dental defect 牙体缺损 dental necrosis 牙坏死 dental sac 牙囊 dentin 牙本质 dental arch 牙弓 epulis 龈瘤 enamel 牙釉质 endodontics 牙体牙髓病学 extraction 拔牙术 fascial space infection 间隙感染 fluoride 氟化物 fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折 filiform papillae 丝状乳头 fistula apicalis 根尖瘘管 foliate papillae 叶状乳头 fungiform papillae 菌状乳头 gingival abscess 牙龈脓肿 gingivitis 牙龈炎 gingivitis in leukemia 白血病龈炎 gum, gingiva 牙龈 herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎 infraorbital space 框下间隙 injury of teeth 牙损伤 jaw 颌骨 juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎 luxated tooth 牙脱位 lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病 leukoplakia 白斑 lichen planus 扁平苔藓 local anesthesia 局麻 mucous cyst 粘液囊肿 missing tooth 牙脱失 mixed dentition 混和牙列 mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混和瘤 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 nevi 色素痣 occlusion 咬he odontoclasis 燕羡 oral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病 oral hygiene 口腔卫生 oral pathology 口腔病理学 oral surgery 口腔外科 orthodontics 正畸学 osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎 palate 腭 paradontoma 牙周膜瘤 parageusia 味觉异常 paraglossa 舌肿 paraglossia 舌下炎 paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错 parotitis 腮腺炎 periapical abscess 根尖脓肿 periapical disease 根尖周病 pericoronitis 冠周炎 periodontitis 牙周炎 permanent teeth 恒牙 pulp horn 髓角 pediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学 periodontal ligament 牙周韧带 periodontal membrane 牙周膜 periodontics 牙周病学 prosthodontics 修复学 pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙 public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学 pulp 牙髓 pulp exposure 牙髓暴露 pulpectomy 牙髓摘除术 pulpitis 牙髓炎 pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 radiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎 radicular cyst 根端囊肿 recurr


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