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清营解表合剂对流感病毒APR8H1N1感染小鼠肺组织炎性细胞因子IL6IL10TNF 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:清营解表合剂对流感病毒APR8H1N1感染小鼠肺组织炎性细胞因子IL6IL10TNF 1 1材料与仪器 3 文2:毒热平注射液对流感病毒FM1感染小鼠免疫功能的影响 7 1 实验材料 8 2 实验方法 9 3 统计学方法 10 4 结果 10 5 讨论 11 参考文摘引言: 12 原创性声明(模板) 14 文章致谢(模板) 14 正文 清营解表合剂对流感病毒APR8H1N1感染小鼠肺组织炎性细胞因子IL6IL10TNF 文1:清营解表合剂对流感病毒APR8H1N1感染小鼠肺组织炎性细胞因子IL6IL10TNF Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore the immune mechanism of Qingying Jiebiao Heji in resisting influenza virus infection by dynamically observing its effect on the expressio of Th cytokine in lung tissue section of the mice infected by influenza virus(A/P8/H1N1) infected mice was adopted as model and SABC immunohistochemistrial method was used to dynamically observe the changes of expression levels of IL-6,IL-10 and TNF-β in lung tissue section after giving Qingying Jiebiao Heji the mice were infected by influenza virus, the expression levels of IL-6,IL-10 and TNF-β in model group was higher than those of control group , of which IL-6,TNF-β reached the peak on the sixth day. After giving the treatment, the expression of IL-10 in Qingying Jiebiao Heji treated group was increased and the increase was remarkable on the sixth and ninth day, compared with those of model group. The expression levels of IL-6,TNF-β in Qingying Jiebiao Heji treated group was decreased in the different time and the decrease became remarkable on the sixth days, compared with those of model Jiebiao Heji can increase the immune function and recover the immune balance of the mice infected by influenza virus by adjusting the expression level of Th cytokine。 Key words:Qingying Jiebiao Heji ; Influenza virus ; Cytokine; Immune function 流行性感冒是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病之一,其致病力和传染性强者,可造成大流行、危及生命,中医将其归为“温病”范围。中药在抗流感病毒方面有其独特的优越性,既可直接抑制和灭活流感病毒又可通过调节机体免疫网络而起到抗流感病毒作用。临床验方清营解表合剂由金银花、连翘、白薇、生地、麦门冬等中药组成,具有辛凉解表、清营透邪等功效,用于偏于内热体质的感冒患者出现发热、头痛、咽痛等症,效果显著。 本实验采用A/P8/H1N1感染小鼠病毒性肺炎模型,免疫组织化学染色方法检测与流感病毒感染炎症反应相关的一些主要细胞因子IL-6,IL-10及TNF-β的动态表达水平,从而探讨清营解表合剂抗流感病毒的免疫学药


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