AEC - Q101 Rev - C Stress Test Qualification For Discrete Semiconductors - complete document with test methods分立器件应力试验.pdf

AEC - Q101 Rev - C Stress Test Qualification For Discrete Semiconductors - complete document with test methods分立器件应力试验.pdf

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AEC - Q101 - REV - C June 29, 2005 STRESS TEST QUALIFICATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE GRADE DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Automotive Electronics Council Component Technical Committee Acknowledgment Any document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Counsel would especially like to recognize the following significant contributors to the development of the C revision to this document: Robert V. Knoell Visteon Automotive Systems Jeff S. Price Delphi Corporation Brian Jendro Siemens VDO Automotive Electronics Corp. Mark A. Kelly Delphi Corporation Werner Kanert Infineon Arthur Chiang Vishay-Siliconix Gary B. Fisher Johnson Controls Jean Clarac Siemens Jeff Jarvis United States Army Jeff Parker International Rectifier Corp. John Timms Motorola Mark Gabrielle ON Semiconductor Michael Clark Johnson Controls Ted Krueger Vishay-General Semiconductor Zhongning Liang Philips Semiconductor NOTICE AEC documents contain material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the AEC Technical Committee. AEC documents are designed to serve the automotive electronics industry through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchan



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