GR-357-CORE Issue 1 电信设备用元器件的一般可靠性保障要求(1).pdf

GR-357-CORE Issue 1 电信设备用元器件的一般可靠性保障要求(1).pdf

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,Telcordla. - TechnologJ es Performance from Experience Generic Requirements for Assuring the Reliability of Components Used in Telecommunications Equipment (A Module of RQGR, FR-796) Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements G R-357-CO RE Issue 1, March 2001 Comments Requested (See Preface ) An SAl C Compa且y GR-357-COR E Generic Requiremenls for Assuring CompOnenl R创 abilily Issue 1. Ma rch 2001 Copyrighl Page Generic Requirements lor Assuring the Reliability 01 Components Used in Telecommunications Equipment Prep a red for Telcordia Technol ogies , Inc. by Netwo rk De ployme nt , Quality , and Re li abili ty This d ocumen t replaces TR-N飞NT-000357, Issu e 2 , Oc tob er 1993 Relate d doc ument (s): FR -796 Techni cal c ontact Telcordia - GR-35τCORE Tony A1 i 33 1 Newman Springs Road , Room 3巴279 Red 8 ,,,,k , NJ 07701 -5699 Phon e: + 1 732.75且301 7 FAX ,+ 1 732. 758. 目972 E-Mai l : mal @t elcor dia .com To obta in copies o f this docum ent , contact your comp anys docum ent coordin皿or or yo ur Telcordia aCCOLmt mana唱. er, o r call + 1 8∞. 52 l.2673 (from the USA and Canada) o r + 1 732.699 .5800 (world w id e) , or visit our Web site at .l!ωω+叫俨nγ什, 户nm. Te lco rdia emp loyees sh ould call + 1 732.6四.5802 Copyright @ 200 1 Telcordia Technologies , Inc . All rights r esenred Proj ect Funding Year: 2001 Trademark Acknowledgments AXE SS is a servi ce mark of Telcordia Technologi es, lnc . M比m矶, Windows, and Wind ows NT a陀eithcr rcgislc陀d lradc marks or trademarks of I\l icrosoft Corporatioll in lhe Uni


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