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欧洲货币和欧洲货币市场。Q1欧洲主要货币有哪些? Q2什么是欧洲货币市场? Q1 1999年1月1日,欧盟国家开始实行单一货币欧元和在实行欧元的国家实施统一货币政策。欧元区共有19个成员国,包括 德国、 法国、 意大利、 荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、爱尔兰、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、芬兰、立陶宛、拉脱维亚、 爱沙尼亚、斯洛伐克、 斯洛文尼亚、 希腊、马耳他、塞浦路斯和某些欧元区国家的海外领土,他们统一使用欧元作为欧元区国家的法定货币。 而英国虽然为欧盟成员,但不是欧元区成员,所以英镑保存至今。 瑞士奉行永久中立政策,未加入欧盟,使用瑞士法郎。 丹麦,和英国同为欧盟成员国,但尚未加入欧元区,使用丹麦克郎。 On January 1, 1999, the European Union countries began to adopt the single currency, the euro, and the common monetary policy in the countries that adopted the euro. A total of 19 euro area member states, including Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and some euro zone countries overseas territories, They use the euro as the legal tender of the eurozone countries. While Britain is a member of the European Union, it is not a member of the euro, so the pound remains. Switzerland has a permanent policy of neutrality, is not a member of the European Union and uses the Swiss franc. Denmark, which is a member of the European Union like Britain but has not joined the euro, uses the Danish krone. 欧元的出现对3.4亿人来说是一场革命,他们将以前的货币(被认为是国家主权的基本要素)兑换成新的单一货币。鼓励一些人相信向欧洲介绍给更多的凝聚力和实力在日益全球化的经济中,欧元是批评的人相信它强加的约束是一种紧缩和支持北欧国家的南部的国家。(Paul-Jacques, L, 2019) The advent of the euro was a revolution for the 340 million people who exchanged their former currencies - considered a fundamental element of national sovereignty - for this new single currency.Encouraged by some who believe that its introduction gives more cohesion and strength to Europe in an increasingly globalized economy, the euro is criticized by others who believe that the constraints it imposes are a source of austerity and favor northern European countries at the expense of countries in the south. (Paul-Jacques, L, 2019) 例: 自欧元引入以来法国国家货币权力的演变,并与德国和美国进行比较。从宏观经济角度看,货币力量通过国际收支平衡发挥作用。一组特征可以提高(或降低)推迟和偏离国际收支调整的能力:金融变量、经济体的敏感性和脆弱性,以及一国货币的国际角色。首先,相对于美国,欧元的国际角色增加了法国政府拖延的权力,但也增加了转移的权力。其次,德国政府基



