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1.My name is Kate Hartman. 我是凯特.哈特曼 2.And I like to make devices that play with the ways that we relate and communicate. 我喜欢制作装置 我们使用它们时 产生了关联和交流 3.So Im specifically interested in how we, as humans, relate to ourselves, each other and the world around us. 所以我极大的兴趣在于,我们人类 如何在彼此间建立的联系 以及如何与环绕着我们的世界产生关联 4.(Laughter) So just to give you a bit of context, as June said, Im an artist, a technologist and an educator. (笑声) 那么还是先向大家介绍一下我自己 正如朱恩所介绍的,我是艺术家、科学家以及教育家 5.I teach courses in physical computing and wearable electronics. 我教授物理计算 以及穿戴式电子产品课程 6.And much of what I do is either wearable or somehow related to the human form. 我所做的大部分装置或是穿戴式的 或是在某种程度上与人体相关的 7.And so anytime I talk about what I do, I like to just quickly address the reason why bodies matter. 所以每当我介绍自己所从事的领域 都要简短的解释一下 为什么身体是重要的 8.And its pretty simple. 其实这非常简单 9.Everybodys got one -- all of you. 每个人,你们所有人,都有身体 10.I can guarantee, everyone in this room, all of you over there, the people in the cushy seats, the people up top with the laptops -- 我敢保证,每一位在场的人 无论是那边坐在舒适椅子上的 还是上面在使用笔记本电脑的 11.we all have bodies. 我们都拥有身体 12.Dont be ashamed. 别害羞 13.Its something that we have in common and they act as our primary interfaces for the world. 这是我们的一个共同点 身体是我们与世界接触的主要界面 14.And so when working as an interaction designer, or as an artist who deals with participation -- creating things that live on, in or around the human form -- 所以无论是作为一个交互设计师 还是一个交互艺术家 创造能够用在体外、体内或是周身的装置 15.its really a powerful space to work within. 真的是一个很有吸引力的工作领域 16.So within my own work, I use a broad range of materials and tools. 所以我的创作中 使用了广泛的材料和工具 17.So I communicate through everything from radio transceivers to funnels and plastic tubing. 这样我就可以通过各种事物进行交流,从无线电收发机 到漏斗和塑料管 18.And to tell you a bit about the things that I make, the easiest place to start the story is with a hat. 下面向大家介绍一些我所做的装置 从最简单的 一顶帽子说起 19.And so it all started several years ago, late one night when I was sitting on the subway, ri


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