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1.My dream is to build the worlds first underground park in New York City. 我的梦想是在纽约建造 世界上第一个地底公园。 2.Now, why would someone want to build an underground park, and why in New York City? 那为什么有人想要打造地底公园? 而且为什么在纽约? 3.These three tough little buggers are, on the left, my grandmother, age five, and then her sister and brother, ages 11 and nine. 这边有三个小屁孩, 左边那位是我的奶奶,当时五岁, 旁边是她的姐姐和哥哥, 分别是 11 岁和 9 岁。 4.This photo was taken just before they left from Italy to immigrate to the United States, just about a century ago. 这张照片刚好在他们离开义大利前, 准备移民到美国时拍下的, 大约是一百年前的事了。 5.And like many immigrants at the time, they arrived on the Lower East Side in New York City and they encountered a crazy melting pot. 跟同期的移民者一样, 他们都来到纽约的下东城。 也遇到了疯狂的种族大熔炉。 6.What was amazing about their generation was that they were not only building new lives in this new, unfamiliar area, but they were also literally building the city. 他们这世代最让人惊艳的是, 他们不只是在这崭新、生疏的地方 建立起新的生活。 而是真的建立起这座城市。 7.Ive always been fascinated by those decades and by that history, and I would often beg my grandmother to tell me as many stories as possible about the old New York. 我非常向往那段数十年的光阴 以及那段历史。 我也常常拜托我奶奶 告诉我越多旧纽约的故事越好。 8.But she would often just shrug it off, tell me to eat more meatballs, more pasta, and so I very rarely got any of the history that I wanted to hear about. 但她总是很淡定, 只告诉我多吃点肉球和义大利面。 所以我很难得 会得到我想要听的历史故事。 9.The New York City that I encountered felt pretty built up. 我认识纽约的时候, 纽约就已经差不多成形了。 10.I always knew as a kid that I wanted to make a difference, and to somehow make the world more beautiful, more interesting and more just. 从小我就知道我想要 有所作为,甚至可以 让这个世界变成更美丽、更有趣、 更公平的地方。 11.I just didnt really know how. 但我只是不知道该怎么做。 12.At first, I thought I wanted to go work abroad, so I took a job with UNICEF in Kenya. 一开始我以为自己想到国外工作, 所以我接下了联合国儿童基金会肯亚的工作。 13.But it felt weird to me that I knew more about local Kenyan politics than the politics of my own hometown. 但我觉得非常的奇怪,因为我对肯亚当地的政治 远比自己家乡的政治还要了解。 14.I took a j


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