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1.I was born in Switzerland and raised in Ghana, West Africa. 我出生在瑞士 在西非的加纳长大 2.Ghana felt safe to me as a child. 加纳对儿时的我是安全的家 3.I was free, I was happy. 我很自由快乐 4.The early 70s marked a time of musical and artistic excellence in Ghana. 70年代早期 是加纳的音乐和艺术的辉煌时期 5.But then by the end of the decade, the country had fallen back into political instability and mismanagement. 但是70年代末 加纳陷入政治动荡 和政策混乱 6.In 1979, I witnessed my first military coup. 1979年 我目睹了军事政变 7.We the children had gathered at a friends house. 我们一群孩子聚集在一个朋友家里 8.It was a dimly lit shack. 是个破烂昏暗的棚子 9.There was a beaten up black and white television flickering in the background, and a former head of state and general was being blindfolded 有台破旧的黑白电视机 在背景处一直闪动着 放的是前总统和将军 被蒙住眼睛 10.and tied to the pole. 绑在柱子上 11.The firing squad aimed, fired -- the general was dead. 行刑的队伍来了,枪决了他们 将军死了 12.Now this was being broadcast live. 这个场景在电视上直播 13.And shortly after, we left the country, and we returned to Switzerland. 不久后,我们离开了加纳 回到了瑞士 14.Now Europe came as a shock to me, and I think I started feeling the need to shed my skin in order to fit in. 然后欧洲对我来说是个冲击 我开始觉得有必要 掩盖自己的肤色以融入这个社会 15.I wanted to blend in like a chameleon. 我想如变色龙一样 16.I think it was a tactic of survival. 我觉得这是生存的技巧 17.And it worked, or so I believed. 这个方法成功了,至少我觉得是这样的 18.So here I was in 2008 wondering where I was in my life. 2008年的时候 我开始思考我的人生定位 19.And I felt I was being typecast as an actor. 我觉得我被定型为一个演员 20.I was always playing the exotic African. 总是演异国风情的非洲人 21.I was playing the violent African, the African terrorist. 或是暴力的非洲人 非洲恐怖分子 22.And I was thinking, how many terrorists could I possibly play before turning into one myself? 我琢磨 在做回我自己之前 我得演多少恐怖分子? 23.And I had become ashamed of the other, the African in me. 我开始以我的一部分 以我的非洲血统为耻 24.And fortunately I decided in 2008 to return to Ghana, after 28 years of absence. 幸运的是2008年的时候 在阔别了28年之后 我决定回到加纳 25.I wanted to document on film the 2008 pre


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