TED中英官方演讲稿-JulianTreasure_2011G5 种倾听的方法.docx

TED中英官方演讲稿-JulianTreasure_2011G5 种倾听的方法.docx

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1.We are losing our listening. 我们正在丧失倾听的能力 2.We spend roughly 60 percent of our communication time listening, But were not very good at it. 我们交流过程中60%的时间都是用来倾听 但其实我们并不擅长倾听 3.We retain just 25 percent of what we hear. 我们只保留了25%所听到的内容 4.Now not you, not this talk, but that is generally true. 不是指在座各位和这个演讲 这是一个普遍的事实 5.Lets define listening as making meaning from sound. 让我们来定义倾听 就是使得声音有意义 6.Its a mental process, and its a process of extraction. 这是一个心理过程 它也是一个提取的过程 7.We use some pretty cool techniques to do this. 我们用一些很酷的技术完成这个过程 8.One of them is pattern recognition. 其中之一是模式识别技术 9.(Crowd Noise) So in a cocktail party like this, if I say, David, Sara, pay attention, (人群噪音)在像这样的一个鸡尾酒会上 如果我说 “大卫,莎拉,注意了” 10.some of you just sat up. 你们中间就会有人坐直身子 11.We recognize patterns to distinguish noise from signal, and especially our name. 我们能识别出一些声音特点 从而从信号中区分它们 特别是对于自己的名字 12.Differencing is another technique we use. 区分是我们用的另外一个技术 13.If I left this pink noise on for more than a couple of minutes, you would literally cease to hear it. 如果我让这种粉红噪声保持几分钟 你就不会很认真的听它了 14.We listen to differences, we discount sounds that remain the same. 我们只会听有变化声音 我们不大专注于持续不变的声音 15.And then there is a whole range of filters. 这里有一系列的过滤功能 16.These filters take us from all sound down to what we pay attention to. 它把我们从所有声音中抽离出来 重点去听我们所关注的 17.Most people are entirely unconscious of these filters. 大多数人都完全没有察觉这些 过滤器 18.But they actually create our reality in a way, because they tell us what were paying attention to right now. 但是它们在某种程度上创造了现实生活 因为它们告诉我们当下我们正在关注什么 19.Give you one example of that: Intention is very important in sound, in listening. 举个例子: 意向在声音和听觉中非常重要 20.When I married my wife, I promised her that I would listen to her every day as if for the first time. 我娶我夫人的时候 我向她承诺我每天都会像我们第一次见面那样 去倾听她 21.Now thats something I fall short of on a daily basis. 现在我每天都在下降 22.(Laughter) But its a great intention to have in a relationship. (笑声) 但这是这种关系下的一个很好的


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