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1.The Hindus say, Nada brahma, 印度人说:“Nada brahma”, 2.one translation of which is, The world is sound. 意为“世界是健康的”(谐音:世界是充满声音的) 3.And, in a way, thats true, because everything is vibrating. 这说的没错,因为一切事物都处于振动中。 4.In fact, all of you as you sit here right now are vibrating. 事实上,你们在座的各位都在振动。 5.Every part of your body is vibrating at different frequencies. 身体中的每一部分都在以不同的频率振动。 6.So you are, in fact, a chord, each of you an individual chord. 所以,这些声音构成了一个和弦。 你们每个人都是一个独立的和弦。 7.One definition of health may be that that chord is in complete harmony. 健康的一种定义可能是 这种和弦都保持一种和睦的状态。 8.Your ears cant hear that chord. 你的耳朵是听不到这种和弦的。 9.They can actually hear amazing things. Your ears can hear 10 octaves. 但它们却能听见10个八度音阶,这很惊人。 10.Incidentally, we see just one octave. 然而,我们只能看到一个八度音阶。 11.Your ears are always on. You have no earlids. 你的耳朵随时都是打开的,因为它们没有“盖子”。 12.They work even when you sleep. 即使在睡觉时,它们也在工作。 13.The smallest sound you can perceive moves your eardrum just four atomic diameters. 你能听到的最小的声音 只会让耳膜振动4个原子直径(1个原子直径小于1纳米) 14.The loudest sound you can hear is a trillion times more powerful than that. 而你能听到的最大声音 却是那个的一万亿倍。 15.Ears are made not for hearing, but for listening. 耳朵不仅是为了听本身 而是为了专注、认真的倾听 16.Listening is an active skill. 认真倾听是一种主动技能 17.Whereas hearing is passive, listening is something that we have to work at. 普通地听是被动的 而倾听却是要花功夫的 18.Its a relationship with sound. 倾听是处理声音与声音之间的关系 19.And yet its a skill that none of us are taught. 也是一种与生俱来的能力 20.For example, have you ever considered that there are listening positions, places you can listen from? 比如 你考虑过倾听也有不同的姿势 以便你接收声音吗 21.Here are two of them. 看以下两个例子 22.Reductive listening is listening for. 删减性的倾听是有“选择”的听 23.It reduces everything down to whats relevant, and it discards everything thats not relevant. 它会只关注你想要知道的东西 而忽略无关紧要的内容 24.Men typically listen reductively. 男人通常会删减性的倾听 25.So hes saying, Ive got this problem. 比如一个人说:“我有个问题。” 26.Hes saying, Heres your s


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