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1.As a child, I was raised by native Hawaiian elders -- three old women who took care of me while my parents worked. 在小时候, 我由夏威夷原住民长者抚养 -- 三位老夫人 在我父母去工作时照看我。 2.The year is 1963. 那是1963年。 3.Were at the ocean, its twilight. 我们在海边, 正是黄昏。 4.Were watching the rising of the stars and the shifting of the tides. 我们看着星星升起 和潮起潮落。 5.Its a stretch of beach we know so well. 那是一段我们非常熟悉的海滩。 6.The smooth stones on the sand are familiar to us. 沙滩上光滑的石头 也为我们熟知。 7.If you saw these women on the street in their faded clothes, you might dismiss them as poor and simple. 如果你看看街上那些 穿着褪色的衣物的妇女们, 你也许会认为她们 贫困且无知。 8.That would be a mistake. 这将是个错误。 9.These women are descendants of Polynesian navigators, trained in the old ways by their elders. 这些妇女是波利尼西亚航海家 的后代, 由他们的长辈 用古老的方式训练。 10.And now theyre passing it on to me. 现在她们正在把它传授给我。 11.They teach me the names of the winds and the rains -- of astronomy according to a genealogy of stars. 她们教给我风的名字、雨的名字 -- 天文学中的星系。 12.Theres a new moon on the horizon. 当一轮新月出现在地平线上时。 13.Hawaiians say its a good night for fishing. 夏威夷人会说这个晚上是捕鱼的好时机。 14.They begin to chant. 他们开始歌唱。 15.[Hawaiian chant] When they finish, they sit in a circle and ask me to come to join them. [夏威夷歌声] 唱完之后, 他们坐成一圈 并邀请我也加入其中。 16.They want to teach me about my destiny. 他们想要教我些与我的命运有关的事。 17.I thought every seven year-old went through this. 我想每个七岁的孩子都会经历这些。 18.(Laughter) Baby girl, someday the world will be in trouble. (笑声) “宝贝儿, 有一天,这世界会陷入困境。 19.People will forget their wisdom. 人们将遗忘他们的智慧。 20.It will take elders voices from the far corners of the world to call the world into balance. 从世界遥远的角落 传来的长者的声音 将让这世界回归平衡。 21.You will go far away. 你将远走高飞。 22.It will sometimes be a lonely road. 有时会走上一条孤独的路途。 23.We will not be there. 我们不再你身边。 24.But you will look into the eyes of seeming strangers, and you will recognize your ohana, your family. 但你直视那些 貌似陌生的人的眼睛, 你将认出你的‘奥哈纳’, 你的家人。 25.And it will take all of you. 而他会照顾你的一切。 26.It wi



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