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1.Hawa Abdi: Many people -- 20 years for Somalia -- [were] fighting. Hawa Abdi:索马里这20年来,很多人—— 一直在打仗。 2.So there was no job, no food. 所以那里没有工作,没有食物。 3.Children, most of them, became very malnourished, like this. 很多的孩子, 都变得像这样,非常的营养不良。 4.Deqo Mohamed: So as you know, always in a civil war, the ones affected most [are] the women and children. Deqo Mohamed: 所以,你知道, 往往在内战中, 最受影响的是妇女和儿童。 5.So our patients are women and children. 所以我们的病人都是妇女和儿童。 6.And they are in our backyard. 他们都在我们的院子里。 7.Its our home. We welcome them. 这是我们的家,我们很欢迎他们。 8.Thats the camp that we have in now 90,000 people, where 75 percent of them are women and children. 这就是我们现在拥有的营地。 9万人在里面, 有75%都是妇女和儿童。 9.Pat Mitchell: And this is your hospital. This is the inside. Pat Mitchell:这就是你们的医院。这是内部。 10.HA: We are doing C-sections and different operations because people need some help. HA:我们在这里进行剖腹产以及其他不同的手术 因为人们需要帮助。 11.There is no government to protect them. 政府不会来保护他们。 12.DM: Every morning we have about 400 patients, maybe more or less. DM:每天早晨我们就有400个左右的病人, 或者多一点或者少一点。 13.But sometimes we are only five doctors and 16 nurses, and we are physically getting exhausted to see all of them. 但有时我们只有5名医生 和16个护士, 要把他们全部都看完,这真的让我们感到筋疲力尽。 14.But we take the severe ones, and we reschedule the other ones the next day. 所以我们先看那些严重的病人, 然后再重新安排其他病人到第二天。 15.It is very tough. 这非常的艰难。 16.And as you can see, its the women who are carrying the children; its the women who come into the hospitals; its the women [are] building the houses. 你可以看到,是妇女带着孩子, 是妇女来到医院, 是妇女搭建的这些房子。 17.Thats their house. 这是她们的家。 18.And we have a school. This is our bright -- we opened [in the] last two years [an] elementary school where we have 850 children, and the majority are women and girls. 我们还有一个学校。这是我们的光明—— 前年我们开办了一个小学 我们有850个孩子, 其中大部分都是妇女和女孩儿。 19.(Applause) PM: And the doctors have some very big rules about who can get treated at the clinic. (掌声) PM:医生们有一些非常严格的规定 关于谁可以在诊所接受治疗。 20.Would you explain


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