高中英语The power of nature教学课件.ppt

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高中英语The power of nature教学课件

Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up 1. diagram:图表/questionaire: 问卷, 调查表 Homework Imagine Would you like to be a volcanologist to observe and study volcanoes? draw a diagram showing how the machine works 绘图说明机器如何运转 By using questionaire and case study, the writer did an investigation on the idea of health and sports of the staff of Bohai University. 摘要采用问卷和个案调查统计 法对渤海大学在职教工的健康意识及体育 行为做了调查研究。 Language Points 2. volcano n. pl. volcanoes, volcanos an active volcano an extinct volcano a dormant volcano -logy: “…… 学/论” volcanology -ist “……学家 ” volcanologist 活火山 死火山 休眠火山 火山学 pianist physicist 火山学家 oceanology climatology The volcano unexpectedly blew up. dance on a volcano 在火山上跳舞, 大难将至犹自取乐 sit on a volcano 坐在火山顶上, 处境危险 eruption 火山喷发 hurricane: 飓风 thunderstorm: 雷暴雨 typhoon:台风 tsunami: 海啸 * * 高二人教新课标版选修六 Human beings’ power… Have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake? Can you list some natural disasters? natural disasters sandstorm typhoon flood hurricane tornado earthquake tsunami landslide snowstorm drought flood sandstorm tsunami tornado (飓风) Heavy snowstorm hits Shandong Peninsula 21 Dec 2005. snowstorm typhoon/cyclone/hurricane snow slide drought landslide Have you ever seen a volcano? volcano-eruption Vesuvius volcano Pompeii 公元79年维苏威火山的 爆发掩埋了一座城市! 虽然地球史上每一次火山 爆发无不令地貌沧海桑田, 但公元79年维苏威火山的 爆发却的确令一座城市 获得了永生--庞贝无法 躲过火山的劫难, 但它被 掩埋封存在渐渐冷却、 凝固、变硬的火山灰中, 最终竟躲过了上千年岁月 的侵蚀。 an extinct volcano(死火山) an active volcano types of volcanoes a dormant volcano(休眠火山) Where is most possible for a volcano to erupt? Near the oceans. What do you know about volcano? Do you know how a volcano erupts? How is a volcano formed? The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain. Boiling rock erupts from the crater (火山口); the lava(熔岩) flows slowly down the mountain. gas liquid solid lava (熔岩) vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen (氮), sulphur (硫磺) bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc. * * *


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