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1.So my freshman year of college I signed up for an internship in the housing unit at Greater Boston Legal Services. 在我大学第一年的时候, 我就在波士顿法律系统的住房部 得到了一个实习机会。 2.Showed up the first day ready to make coffee and photocopies, but was paired with this righteous, deeply inspired attorney named Jeff Purcell, 当我第一天上班 准备喝点咖啡,复印东西的时候, 我就和Jeff Purcell这个 有正义感的律师组成了一组, 3.who thrust me onto the front lines from the very first day. 他把我从第一天起 就推到了前线。 4.And over the course of nine months I had the chance to have dozens of conversations with low-income families in Boston who would come in presenting with housing issues, 在9个月里, 我有机会 和波士顿低收入家庭 有许多对话, 他们和我谈起住房问题, 5.but always had an underlying health issue. 但这些问题都有一个潜在的卫生问题。 6.So I had a client who came in, about to be evicted because he hasnt paid his rent. 我有一个客户跟我说, 他马上就要被驱逐出住所因为他付不起房租。 7.But he hasnt paid his rent, of course, because hes paying for his HIV medication and just cant afford both. 当然他没有付房租, 不过是因为他要支付艾滋病治疗费用 所以他没法付起两样钱。 8.We had moms who would come in, daughter has asthma, wakes up covered in cockroaches every morning. 我们的客户中有妈妈, 说她们的女儿有哮喘, 每天早上身上爬满蟑螂。 9.And one of our litigation strategies was actually to send me into the home of these clients with these large glass bottles. 所以我们的一个诉讼手段就是 把我送到这些人家里 带着大玻璃瓶。 10.And I would collect the cockroaches, hot glue-gun them to this poster board that wed bring to court for our cases. 然后我用大玻璃瓶来收集这些蟑螂, 把他们封起来, 然后带到法院。 11.And we always won because the judges were just so grossed out. 我们总赢 因为法官法官自己感到恶心。 12.Far more effective, I have to say, than anything I later learned in law school. 我想说,这方法 比我在法学院以后学的所有东西都管用。 13.But over the course of these nine months, I grew frustrated with feeling like we were intervening too far downstream in the lives of our clients -- 但在那九个月里, 我觉得我们的工作已经太迟了, 并且我被这种感觉所折磨, 那些人 14.that by the time they came to us, they were already in crisis. 到我们这里的时候, 他们已经在危机当中。 15.And at the end of my freshman year of college, I read an arti


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