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1.So Im going to talk to you about you about the political chemistry of oil spills and why this is an incredibly important, long, oily, hot summer, 我想谈谈石油泄漏的政治化学结构, 以及为什么这一点很重要, 冗长油腻的酷暑, 2.and why we need to keep ourselves from getting distracted. 我们又为什么需要保持注意力集中。 3.But before I talk about the political chemistry, I actually need to talk about the chemistry of oil. 但在我谈政治之前, 让我先讲讲石油的化学性质。 4.This is a photograph from when I visited Prudhoe Bay in Alaska in 2002 to watch the Minerals Management Service testing their ability 这张照片摄于 二零零二年我探访阿拉斯加的普拉德霍湾时 我当时是去去察看美国矿产管理局 测试他们 5.to burn oil spills in ice. 在冰里燃烧石油泄漏的能力。 6.And what you see here is, you see a little bit of crude oil, you see some ice cubes, and you see two sandwich baggies of napalm. 现在你可以看到一些原油, 你可以看到一些冰块, 你还可以看到两个塑胶袋装的凝固汽油。 7.The napalm is burning there quite nicely. 那些凝固汽油燃烧得很不错。 8.And the thing is, is that oil is really an abstraction for us as the American consumer. 这其实是说 石油实际上对我们美国消费者来说是一个很抽象的东西。 9.Were four percent of the worlds population; we use 25 percent of the worlds oil production. 我们占世界人口的百分之四; 我们使用世界石油生产量的百分之二十五。 10.And we dont really understand what oil is, until you check out its molecules, And you dont really understand that until you see this stuff burn. 我们却并不知道什么是石油, 直到你测试了它的分子, 直到你看到这个东西燃烧,你才会理解它。 11.So this is what happens as that burn gets going. 这就是燃烧时的情况。 12.It takes off. Its a big woosh. 然后它“呼”的一声,就熄灭了。 13.I highly recommend that you get a chance to see crude oil burn someday, because you will never need to hear another poli sci lecture 我强烈建议你找个机会去看看原油燃烧, 因为你将永远不再需要去听 14.on the geopolitics of oil again. 关于石油的地缘政治学的政治科学讲座。 15.Itll just bake your retinas. 它将烘烤你的视网膜。 16.So there it is; the retinas are baking. 这就是,视网膜正在被烘烤。 17.Let me tell you a little bit about this chemistry of oil. 让我来给你们讲讲石油的化学成分。 18.Oil is a stew of hydrocarbon molecules. 石油是碳氢化合物分子的混合物。 19.It starts of with the very small ones, which are one carbon, four hydrogen


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