
网球场管理制度 Tennis Court Regulations.docx

网球场管理制度 Tennis Court Regulations.docx

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网球场使用须知 营业时间:07:00---23:00 一、顾客需至前台核实个人信息及订场情况后方能进入球场。 二、酒店工作人员如需进行设施设备维修,例行检查前请先到至康体中心前台登记,不允许擅自出入球场。 三、任何人员不得穿着黑底皮鞋,硬底鞋,高跟鞋进入球场,以免对场地造无法修复的痕迹,如必须进场,请联系康体前台领取拖鞋更换。 四、禁止携带有色饮料入场,防止溅洒在场地上,造成色素沉淀,留下难以处理的痕迹,五、酒店工作人员需使用液体清洁用品或维修用品时,请注意做好防护,避免滴落场地。 六、在球场上使用任何辅助训练用具或维修工具时时需稳拿轻放,做好地面防护,避免损坏场地。 七、球场上的推水器、裁判椅、网球网等附属设施都有专人管理,其他人不得随意挪动。 八、球场禁止吸烟,以免烟头落地,灼伤场地地面。 九、如因天气问题,酒店有权关闭康体设施。管理人员也可基于安全理由,在认为有关设施不宜开放给客人使用时行酌情权将之关闭。 十、非酒店允许情况下,任何人员不得进行私拉横幅,派宣传单等形式的推广活动。 十一、禁止携带宠物入场。 十二、请妥善保管好个人贵重物品,如有任何私人财物丢失,酒店概不负责。 BADMINTON COURT-USAGE GUIDE Service Hours:07:00-23:00 Customers need to verify the personal information and booking conditions before entering the stadium. The hotel staff need to register at the reception of sports center before equipment maintenance and routine inspection,Don’t access to the stadium without permission. No person shall be dressed in biack leather shoes, hard soled shoes and heels into the stadium to avoid the damage of the ground . Please contact the reception to receive slippers replacement if it is necessary to enter. It is prohibited to carry colored drinks to the stadium to prevent splashing on the ground. Pay attention to the protection of ground and avoid dropping liquid on it when the hotel staff using liquid cleaning products or maintenance supplies. Be careful when using any auxiliary training equipments or maintence tools for ground protection. Don’t arbitrarily move the water pushing device ,referee chair,tennis net and other auxiliary facilities. Smoking is prohibited to protect the ground. The hotel can close the recreation facilities for the bad weather .For safety reasons, management can close some facilities that are not suitable for guests. No person shall conduct private banners ,send leaflets and other forms of promotional activities without the permission of the hotel. No pets. Please take care of personal valuables.The hotle is not responsible for any personal property loss.


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