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1.Im Rich Baraniuk. 我叫Rich Baraniuk. 2.And what Id like to talk a little bit about today are some ideas that I think have just tremendous resonance with all the things that have been talked about the last two days. 今天我想谈的是我的一些看法 我觉得它们可以和过去两天中 大家讨论的问题产生巨大的共鸣。 3.In fact, so many different points of resonance that its going to be difficult to bring them all up, but Ill try to do my best. 事实上,有许多的不同的共鸣点 很难把它们一一涉及,但我会尽力。 4.Does anybody remember these? 大家还记得这些吗? 5.(Laughter) OK, so these are LP records and theyve been replaced, right. (笑声) 是的,这些都是LP大碟,它们都已经被取代了。 6.Theyve been swept away over the last two decades by these types of world flattening digitization technologies, right. 过去40年中,它们已经被席卷殆尽 取而代之的是使世界扁平化的数字化技术。 7.And I think it was best witnessed when Thomas was playing the music as we came in the room today. 而且我认为这件事最好的证明 是我们今天走进会场的时候,托马斯在演奏音乐。 8.Whats happened in the music world is theres a culture or an ecosystem thats been created that, if you take some words from Apple, 在音乐世界,所发生的是有一种文化 或是一种生态系统已经建立 如果你愿意采用苹果公司的一些说法, 9.the catchphrase that we create, rip, mix and burn. 就会学到一些时髦词,比如我们创造,翻录,混合并烧录音乐。 10.What I mean by that is that anyone in the world is free and allowed to create new music and musical ideas. 我想指出的是,世界上任何人都可以自由地 创造新的音乐和有关音乐的想法。 11.Anyone in the world is allowed to rip or copy musical ideas, use them in innovative ways. 世界上任何人都可以翻录或复制音乐的想法, 以创新的方式使用它们。 12.Anyone is allowed to mix them in different types of ways, draw connections between musical ideas and people can burn them or create final products and continue the circle. 任何人都可以以不同的方式混合它们, 在音乐灵感之间建立联系 另外人们可以刻录或是创造的最终产品,循环往复。 13.And what thats done is its created, like I said, a vibrant community thats very inclusive with people continually working to connect musical ideas, 这样做所达到的效果就是,像我所说的, 创造了一个充满活力的社会,它有很大的包容性 使音乐人可以连续不断将音乐理念联系起来, 14.innovate them and keep things constantly up to date, right. 创新,并使之不断更新。 15.Todays hit single is not last years hit single,


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