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1.I want to talk about what we learn from conservatives. 我想告诉大家 我们可以从保守的角度学到什么。 2.And Im at a stage in life where Im yearning for my old days, so I want to confess to you that when I was a kid, indeed, I was a conservative. 我站在我渴望已久的人生舞台上 坦白的告诉各位 当我还是一个小孩时 我已经是保守派了 3.I was a Young Republican, a Teenage Republican, a leader in the Teenage Republicans. 我曾经是少年共和党员, 担任过青少年共和党的领袖 4.Indeed, I was the youngest member of any delegation in the 1980 convention that elected Ronald Reagan to be the Republican nominee for president. 实际上,我曾是最年轻的成员 在所有代表团中都是 1980年共和党大会上,罗纳德里根被选中 他被提名为共和党的总统候选人 5.Now, I know what youre thinking. 现在我知道你们在想什么。 6.(Laughter) Youre thinking, Thats not what the Internets say. (笑声) 你们在想:“网上可没这么说。” 7.Youre thinking, Wikipedia doesnt say this fact. 你们会想:“维基百科上没有提到呀。” 8.And indeed, this is just one of the examples of the junk that flows across the tubes in these Internets here. 实际上,这就是一个例子 一个网上垃圾信息泛滥的例子 在互联网上 9.Wikipedia reports that this guy, this former congressman from Erie, Pennsylvania was, at the age of 20, one of the youngest people at the Republican National Convention, 维基百科记载了这个家伙, 这位来自伊利市的前宾夕法尼亚众议院国会议员 曾在20岁时作为最年轻的参会者之一 参加了共和党全国大会 10.but its just not true. 但这不对。 11.(Laughter) Indeed, it drives me so nuts, let me just change this little fact here. (笑声) 事实上,这条很让我难受,让我现在就把它纠正过来。 12.(Laughter) (Applause) All right. Okay, so ... perfect. (笑声) (掌声) 好了,这样才完美。 13.Perfect. 非常好。 14.(Laughter) Okay, speaker Lawrence Lessig, right. (笑声) 好的,演讲者劳伦斯莱斯格,对了。 15.Okay. 好。 16.Finally, truth will be brought here. 最后,真相将被写到这里。 17.Okay, see? Its done. Its almost done. Here we go. 看到没?完成了,差不多了,我们继续。 18.... Youngest Republican, okay, were finished. “最年轻的共和党员” 很好,我们搞订了。 19.Thats it. Please save this. 请保存。 20.Great, here we go. 这样就可以了。 21.And ... Wikipedia is fixed, finally. 维基百科最终还是被修正了 22.Okay, but no, this is really besides the point. 好吧,这已超出我们的话题了。 23.(Applause) But the thing I want you to think about when


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