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1.They told me that Im a traitor to my own profession, that I should be fired, have my medical license taken away, that I should go back to my own country. 他们告诉我, 我背叛了自己的职业, 我应该被解雇, 我的医生执照应该被吊销, 我应该回到自己的国家。 2.My email got hacked. 我的邮箱被入侵了。 3.In a discussion forum for other doctors, someone took credit for Twitter-bombing my account. 在一个其他医生开设的论坛上 有人轰炸我的推特账户,而且还得到了其他人的赞赏。 4.Now, I didnt know if this was a good or bad thing, but then came the response: Too bad it wasnt a real bomb. 当时, 我不知道是一件好事还是坏事, 但是接着有人回复了: 可惜不是真的炸弹。“ 5.I never thought that I would do something that would provoke this level of anger among other doctors. 我从来没有想到过我做的事情 能激起其他医生们这种程度的愤怒。 6.Becoming a doctor was my dream. 成为一个医生曾是我的梦想。 7.I grew up in China, and my earliest memories are of being rushed to the hospital because I had such bad asthma that I was there nearly every week. 我在中国长大, 我最早的记忆是被匆忙送到医院 因为我有很严重的哮喘,以至于当时几乎每周都在那里。 8.I had this one doctor, Dr. Sam, who always took care of me. 我有一个总是照顾我的医生, 山姆医生。 9.She was about the same age as my mother. 她当时和我的妈妈一个年纪。 10.She had this wild, curly hair, and she always wore these bright yellow flowery dresses. 她有一头狂乱的卷发, 而且她总是穿着一条明黄色的花裙子。 11.She was one of those doctors who, if you fell and you broke your arm, she would ask you why you werent laughing because its your humerus. Get it? 她是那些医生中的一个, 如果你跌倒并摔伤了胳膊, 她会问你是为什么不笑 因为那是你的肱骨(与搞笑同音), 明白吗? 12.See, youd groan, but shed always make you feel better after having seen her. 你会痛得哇哇叫, 但是在见到她之后她总是会让你感觉很好。 13.Well, we all have that childhood hero that we want to grow up to be just like, right? 我们所有人都有 我们想长大后成为的儿时英雄, 对吗? 14.Well, I wanted to be just like Dr. Sam. 我想成为像山姆的医生。 15.When I was eight, my parents and I moved to the U.S., and ours became the typical immigrant narrative. 当我八岁的时候, 我的父母和我搬到了美国, 我们成为了典型的移民家庭。 16.My parents cleaned hotel rooms and washed dishes and pumped gas so that I could pursue my dream. 我的父母去清理酒店房间、洗盘子和给瓦斯充气 来让我追逐我的梦想。 17.Well, eventually I le


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