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1.Have you ever wondered why extremism seems to have been on the rise in Muslim-majority countries over the course of the last decade? 你们是否曾想知道 为什么极端主义在穆斯林多数的国家逐渐的强大了起来 尤其是在过去的十年间? 2.Have you ever wondered how such a situation can be turned around? 你们是否曾想知道 这种情况如何才能被改变? 3.Have you ever looked at the Arab uprisings and thought, How could we have predicted that? 你们是否曾看着这些阿拉伯人的起义 随之想:“我们怎样才能预见到这些起义?” 4.or How could we have better prepared for that? 或“我们怎样才能更好的为之做准备?“ 5.Well my personal story, my personal journey, what brings me to the TED stage here today, is a demonstration of exactly whats been happening 我的故事,我亲身的历程 促使我今天来到TED的讲台, 讲述在以穆斯林为主的国家 6.in Muslim-majority countries over the course of the last decades, at least and beyond. 过去的十年里,甚至更久远的时候 到底发生了什么。 7.I want to share some of that story with you, but also some of my ideas around change and the role of social movements in creating change 我想和你分享这些故事 同时也有我对于这种改变的看法 还有在创造这种变化中社会运动的作用 8.in Muslim-majority societies. 在以穆斯林为主的国家中。 9.So let me begin by first of all giving a very, very brief history of time, if I may indulge. 我这就开始了 在最开始,我想介绍下一段非常非常简短的历史 如果我可以的话 10.In medieval societies there were defined allegiances. 中世纪的社会中有非常明确的效忠对象。 11.An identity was defined primarily by religion. 身份从根本上 是由宗教决定的 12.And then we moved on into an era in the 19th century with the rise of a European nation state where identities and allegiances were defined 随之我们来到了19世纪的一段时期 随着欧洲民族国家逐渐强大 在那里身份和效忠对象 13.by ethnicity. 是由种族划分决定的。 14.So identity was primarily defined by ethnicity, and the nation state reflected that. 因此身份定位从根本上是由种族决定的 民族国家反映了这个事实。 15.In the age of globalization, we moved on. 在全球化的年代,我们继续发展。 16.I call it the era of citizenship -- where people could be from multi-racial, multi-ethnic backgrounds, but all be equal as citizens 我称它为国籍时代-- 在那里人们可以拥有多种族,多民族的背景, 却都是同等的公民 17.in a state. 属于一个国家。 18.You could be American Italian; you could be American Irish; you could be British Pakistan



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