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游泳池安全管理制度 Swimming pool security supervise policy 目的Purpose: 为了维护游泳池的正常秩序,保障游泳者的人身安全 In order to maintain the swimming pool the normal order and safeguard swimming personal safety 救生员和相关工作人员按时到岗,认真履行职责 The lifeguard and the related staff should are on time and earnestly fulfill the responsibilities 开放前认真检查救生设备器材完好状况,发现破损应及时更换 Before opening ,check up the life preserver equipment complete condition earnestly .and if there are damages, you should replace them promptly 游泳场开放期间,要保持思想高度集中,全面观察,注意事故苗头,把事故消灭在萌芽状态 During opening period ,we must keep the thought high degree of concentration observe comprehensively ,and pay more attention to the symptom of an accident to eliminate the accident in the embryonic stage. 加强救生技术的学习,定期参加救生技术培训,提高救护水平。 Strengthens the study of the lifesaving technology. and join in the lifesaving technology training, regularly to enhance your rescuing level. 禁止游泳者穿拖鞋以外的鞋不经过净水池进入泳池,禁止携带刀具等可能造成他人人身伤害的物品进场 Forbid swimmers putting on other shoes but slippers and not passing through the wishing pool to enter swimming pools. Forbid carrying the cutting tools and anything that can injure others here . 禁止在泳池内跳水,追逐打闹,不服从管理 Forbid diving in swimming pools, pursuing ,chasing, and saying no to the management 儿童必须有成人带领方可进入场内,否则遗失责任自负 Children can swim only with the adults 贵重物品请勿带入场内,否则遗失责任自负 Please do not bring valuables here, otherwise at your own risk 发现有溺水,不要贸然下水营救,应大声呼唤成年人前来相助 If someone has been drowned, do not rescue rashly, you should summon at the top of your voice so that some adult comes to help you 初学游泳以及会游泳者严禁进入深水区(1.5米 Beginner and people who swim well are forbidden to enter the deep water distriot which is 1.5 meters deep 请醉酒及患有心脏病 高血压 ,皮肤传染病等不宜进入游泳池的人员自行回避 Those, who are drunk and with heart conditions, high blood pressure, the skin infectious disease and so on ,are not suitable to enter the swimming pool ,please get around by yourselves or at your own risk


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Knowledge Bank 所想、所得

