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科 课题 授课 课 日期 Week2 时 2 新 模 式 英语 1 目 授  Unit 5 Our Community Lesson 2 Where is City Hall? 15 高级数控加工 1-2 班;15 授课 高级数控机床装配与维修 1;15 班级 高级模具制造 1—2 班; 15 高 级汽车维修 2 班 课 The Communicative Language Teaching 方 The Task-Based Language Teaching 式 作业 题数 2 拟用 15 时间 ’ 教 Be able to do a cluster activity. 选Be able to give and follow street 用 学 directions. 教 Be able to read a map and write locations. 具目 Be able to listen for directions. 挂Be able to ask other students for 图 的 information.  PPT computer 重 usage of words expressions Grammar: Imperative and 难 Focused listening, map reading 点 点 in/on 教 Ask students in groups to make a list of community places within one 学 mile of the school. Ask them next to identify what street each place 回 is on. 顾 说 Ask students to speak more English in class. 明 审阅签名: D/1  版本/状态: Unit 5 L2 i. Greetings.: (18minutes) i. Greetings. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class! Nice to meet you. Having a free talk. Make a big circle on the board. Write community inside the circle. Draw lines out from the circle and make four secondary circles. Label one of them lodging. Make lines form this circle to additional circles. Label these Hotels, Motels, and Hostels. Ask students to close their books and help you complete the cluster. Use Medical Care, Parks and Recreation, and Residential Areas for the remaining three secondary circles. In the Activity Bank CD-ROM template folder, there are cluster diagrams that can be duplicated for each student. ⅲ.Review some words. 【Goals: Give and follow street directions 】 【Goals: Give and follow street directions 】 Introduction Identify well-know places in your community and ask students where they are located. Accept and answer. State the objective: Today we will give and follow street directions. Presentation 1 Write turn around on the board and ask students to repeat. Ask students to open their books and look at the picture. Ask the questions in the box. ○A Practice the conversation. Ask volunteers to act out



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