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1.I have a confession to make. 创新是一番旅程。 2.Im a business professor whose ambition has been to help people learn to lead. 我是一位经济学教授, 我的目标是去帮助其他人学会领导。 3.But recently, Ive discovered that what many of us think of as great leadership does not work when it comes to leading innovation. 但是最近,我发现 大多数人认为良好的领导能力 在创新领域并不管用。 4.Im an ethnographer. 我是一位人种论学者。 5.I use the methods of anthropology to understand the questions in which Im interested. 我用人类学的方法 去研究我感兴趣的问题。 6.So along with three co-conspirators, I spent nearly a decade observing up close and personal exceptional leaders of innovation. 与3个同事一起, 我花了接近十年的时间,通过更私密的途径去观察那些 创新领域的领导者。 7.We studied 16 men and women, located in seven countries across the globe, working in 12 different industries. 我们研究了16位男性和女性, 他们分布于全世界七个不同的国家, 在12个不同岗位上工作。 8.In total, we spent hundreds of hours on the ground, on-site, watching these leaders in action. 我们总共花了数百个小时, 在现场关注他们的一言一行。 9.We ended up with pages and pages and pages of field notes that we analyzed and looked for patterns in what our leaders did. 我们最后得到了一页又一页的笔记, 从而能够通过分析去弄清这些领导者的行为模式。 10.The bottom line? 重点是什么呢? 11.If we want to build organizations that can innovate time and again, we must unlearn our conventional notions of leadership. 如果我们想要建立可以持续不断创新的机构, 我们必须抛开对领导力的传统认识。 12.Leading innovation is not about creating a vision, and inspiring others to execute it. 领导创新不是去创造一种理念, 然后启发他人去执行它。 13.But what do we mean by innovation? 那我们所说的创新是什么意思呢? 14.An innovation is anything that is both new and useful. 创新是一种既新颖又实用的东西。 15.It can be a product or service. 它既能是产品也能是服务。 16.It can be a process or a way of organizing. 它既可以是一个过程,也可以是一种管理方式。 17.It can be incremental, or it can be breakthrough. 它可以是一提升长,或者是一项突破。 18.We have a pretty inclusive definition. 我们有一个很全面的定义。 19.How many of you recognize this man? 有多少人认识这个人? 20.Put your hands up. 举起你们的手。 21.Keep your hands up, if you know who this is. 保持举手,如果你知道这个人。 22.How about these familiar faces?


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