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1.So imagine, youre in the supermarket, youre buying some groceries, and you get given the option for a plastic or a paper shopping bag. 想像你在逛超市, 在買一些日常用品, 你有兩個選擇: 用塑膠購物袋或紙購物袋, 2.Which one do you choose if you want to do the right thing by the environment? 如果不想破壞環境的話, 你會選擇哪一個? 3.Most people do pick the paper. 多數人選擇的是紙質購物袋。 4.Okay, lets think of why. 好吧,讓我們想想爲什麽。 5.Its brown to start with. 首先,紙是棕色的, 6.Therefore, it must be good for the environment. 因此,它一定是有助於環保的, 7.Its biodegradable. Its reusable. 它可以生物降解,可多次使用, 8.In some cases, its recyclable. 有些還可以被再循環利用, 9.So when people are looking at the plastic bag, its likely theyre thinking of something like this, which we all know is absolutely terrible, 所以當人們看著塑膠袋, 可能聯想到的是這些畫面。 我們都知道這相當可怕, 10.and we should be avoiding at all expenses these kinds of environmental damages. 我們理應盡力避免 這些有損於環境的行為, 11.But people are often not thinking of something like this, which is the other end of the spectrum. 但是人們很少考慮到 這種情形, 即另一個極端現象: 12.When we produce materials, we need to extract them from the environment, and we need a whole bunch of environmental impacts. 當我們生產材料時, 需要從環境中獲取原材料, 這會對環境造成一連串的影響。 13.You see, what happens is, when we need to make complex choices, us humans like really simple solutions, and so we often ask for simple solutions. 你看,就是這樣,當人們需要 做出複雜的選擇時, 我們喜歡很簡單的解決方案, 人們因此而尋求簡單的方案。 14.And I work in design. 我的工作是設計。 15.I advise designers and innovators around sustainability, and everyone always says to me, Oh Leyla, I just want the eco-materials. 我建議設計師 和發明家著眼於材料的永續性。 每個人總是對我說:「萊拉, 我只是想要生物材料。 」 16.And I say, Well, thats very complex, and well have to spend four hours talking about what exactly an eco-material means, because everything at some point 我說:「這很難解釋, 得花上4個小時來解釋 生物材料的確切含義。 因為從某方面來說, 17.comes from nature, and its how you use the material that dictates the environmental impact. 一切都來自與自然界。 是人們使用材料的方式 支配和影響著環境。 18.So what happens is, we have to rely on some sort of intuitive f


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