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1.Every day we face issues like climate change or the safety of vaccines where we have to answer questions whose answers rely heavily on scientific information. 每天我们要面对各种各样的问题, 例如气候变迁、疫苗安全等, 我们必须回答这些问题, 而答案很大程度上依赖于科学资讯, 2.Scientists tell us that the world is warming. 科学家告诉我们世界正在暖化, 3.Scientists tell us that vaccines are safe. 科学家告诉我们疫苗是安全, 4.But how do we know if they are right? 但我们怎么知道他们是对的? 5.Why should be believe the science? 为什么我们要相信科学? 6.The fact is, many of us actually dont believe the science. 事实上,很多人并不相信科学。 7.Public opinion polls consistently show that significant proportions of the American people dont believe the climate is warming due to human activities, 民意调查一直显示, 大部分美国民众 并不相信气候暖化是人为活动造成的, 8.dont think that there is evolution by natural selection, and arent persuaded by the safety of vaccines. 也不认为有物竞天择这回事, 也不相信疫苗的安全。 9.So why should we believe the science? 那么,为何我们应该相信科学? 10.Well, scientists dont like talking about science as a matter of belief. 科学家不喜欢把科学说成是需要「相信」的事。 11.In fact, they would contrast science with faith, and they would say belief is the domain of faith. 说实话,他们认为「科学」和「信仰」是相斥的, 他们说「教义」只属于「信仰」的一部份, 12.And faith is a separate thing apart and distinct from science. 而「信仰」和「科学」两者本是风马牛不相及。 13.Indeed they would say religion is based on faith or maybe the calculus of Pascals wager. 他们甚至说宗教以信仰为基础, 或者像帕斯卡的赌注: 14.Blaise Pascal was a 17th-century mathematician who tried to bring scientific reasoning to the question of whether or not he should believe in God, 布莱兹.帕斯卡是17 世纪的数学家, 他要把科学辩证带入讨论 应否相信上帝的存在。 15.and his wager went like this: Well, if God doesnt exist but I decide to believe in him nothing much is really lost. 他打的赌是这样: 嗯,如果上帝不存在, 但我决定相信上帝的存在, 那我真的没太大损失, 16.Maybe a few hours on Sunday. (可能损失了礼拜天的几小时。) 17.(Laughter) But if he does exist and I dont believe in him, then Im in deep trouble. (笑声) 然而,如果上帝真的存在,而我没有相信上帝, 那我就大遭殃啦。 18.And so Pascal said, wed better believe in God. 所以帕斯卡说,我们最好还是相信上帝吧。 19.O


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