
525 工作场所的安全 workplace safety.pdf

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525 10-Minute Safety Trainer 10 Workp lace Saf ety Target A udience  Leaders Guide  All Emp loy ees         This program is designed to introduce employees to the need and importance of workplace safety.  !$# %()+*-,./0,1.32 1. It is important to pay careful attention while performing your duties. Almost all accidents can be traced back to one of two root causes: Unsafe Acts of Unsafe Conditions. Many of the procedures that you follow have been designed to help minimize or prevent injuries on the j ob, thus helping to minimize any unsafe acts or unsafe conditions. 456798;:=1?;@A1BDC1EFHGJIK;LMNF;O;P;QNRDSTUV1W=XYZ[]\=^D_a`cb de FDf1g;hb de F;iDjkG5LlmNFn1:=opQ@Nqr;s;tNu=v;w67x\FODP1yz {V|=}~€‚;t1uv;wb d;e F=fgDhb d;e FDi=j{V;|D}ƒG 2. The difference between having a minor accident and a maj or accident can sometimes be


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