话题06 美食消费-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型热点主题时文押题组合练.docxVIP

话题06 美食消费-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型热点主题时文押题组合练.docx

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001A完形填空002 B阅读理解 001A完形填空 002 B阅读理解 003 C阅读理解 004 D阅读理解 疫情使得在家做饭的人增多项选择择真正健康的食物 巴基斯坦芒果节在上海和苏州举行家用食品和保健品消费的繁荣 005E任务型阅读上海老字号推出新口味月饼 006F短文填空果蔬确实需要清洗,但不必用肥皂或热水来洗 007传统文化趣味读 中国的“鬼节”A完形填空 主题:疫情使得在家做饭的人增多 Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病)broke out, a growing number of Chinese people have been (1)more time in the kitchen. Nearly half have been (2)by delicious foods they ve prepared from online recipes. Therefore, platforms (平 台)should think of more business strategies to tap (开掘)into this (3)group, a recent report said. A consultancy (咨询公司)said in the report that many cooking habits of people were(4)during the pandemic. They have continued(5)even after China has largely brought the pandemic under control. More than 60 percent of surveyed people still cook for themselves more than five times a week. Meanwhile,(6)to the report, 48 percent of the people cooked because they were inspired by dishes shared on platforms. More than 60 percent said that easy and delicious recipes were most likely to (7)their cooking interest,(8)42 percent noted that attractive (吸弓[人的)foods also encouraged them to don aprons (系上 围裙). “The pandemic led to me taking up the habit of cooking at home. Even now, when restaurants are all reopened, I still cook in my (9)time. Specifically, when I see some delicious recipes online, I try to make them(10)「said Yu Meng,27,a white collar (白领)worker in Beijing. An expert in public relations said: Platforms can work with food manufacturers (制造商)and produce a series of videos. Therefore, they canAo细节理解题。根据题干中的Shanghai consumer定位到第四段。该段段首为上海消费者的评价,该部 分指出,Pakistani mangoes are sweet and fragrant. They are even more refreshing to quench thirst than ice cream (巴基斯坦 芒果甜甜的,带着一股清香,比冰激凌还要解渴)。A项中的sweet和fragrant是原词复现,应选Ao Bo细节理解题。根据题干中的Paragraph 5定位到第五段。该段第一句指出,During the event, activities such as trade negotiation, live streaming interaction, cultural promotion and other activities were carried out.(活动 期间,开展了贸易谈判、直播互动、文化推介等活动。)由此可知,第五段提及了贸易谈判、直播互动、 文化推介三种活动,应选B。 Co观


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