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2021九峰初三3月份考试卷 Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、调汇和语法) II. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案,)(共15分) 21. There is “h” in the word hour, but it is not pronounced. A)a B) an C) the D)/ 22. My grandma began to learn painting and paper cutting his eighties. A)for B)on C) in D)at 23. Tim has made progress this term than last. He needs to work hard next term. A) few B) fewer C) little D) less 24. About of the students can describe the Palace Museum in English. A) three-fifths B) three-fifth C) two-third D) one-fourths 25. There are quite a few _in that hospital. A) man nurses B) men nurses C) men nurse D) man nurse 26. The leading actress felt _when she saw so many people cheering her. A) happy B) happily C) angrily D) lovely 27___ useful language English is! A) What B) What a C) What an D) How 28. Take a taxi,____ you wont be able to catch the early train to London. A) or B)so C) and D) then 29.As he the newspaper in the sofa, Jimmys grandpa asleep. A) was reading..fell B) was reading... was falling C) read... was falling D) read ..fell 30. You____ choose the novels you like. You follow my choices. A) need... neednt B) may... neednt C) must ... shouldnt D) cant.. cant 31. Now class__ sure to wait at the school gate on time tomorrow morning. A)is B) are C)be D) being 32. I feel a little thirsty. -Why not___ a bottle of orange juice? A) having B) to have C) had D) have 33. If I finish the picture this evening, I will go to the park with you tomorrow. A) to draw B) drawn C) draw D) drawing 34. Would you please tell me ? A) when he has come back B) where he would play football C) if she had seen the film D) why she didnt watch the match 35. The students in our school___ thousands o


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