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大连理工大学出版社 Section I 2.1.1 Note of Leave 请假条   英文假条一般包括病假条、事假条和续假条等。 写英文假条时要注意说明以下几点院请假原因、请假时间,同时若有证明请假原因的证据,如医生证明等最好随假条附上。 Samples Sample 1 June 25th, 2011 Dear Miss Zhao,   I am very sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose the doctor’s certificate here and ask for a sick leave of two days. I will be very grateful if you will grant me my application. Yours faithfully, Wang Lili Samples 译 文 赵老师:   非常抱歉,我因为患了重感冒,今天不能到校上课。现附上医生证明并向您请假两天。 若能批准,不胜感激。   希望我的请求能予以批准。 王丽丽 2011 年 7月 25 日 ( Samples Sample 2 May 18, 2010 Dear Mr. Li,   A letter has just reached me saying that my elder brother is going to get married next Tuesday and he invites me to his wedding ceremony. Owing to this, I would like to have a leave of three days beginning on May 24th.   I hope that my request will be given due consideration. Yours sincerely, Zhang Ping Samples 译 文 李老师:   我刚刚收到哥哥的来信,信上说哥哥下周二结婚,邀请我去参加他的婚礼。鉴于此,从5月24日起特向您请假三天。   希望我的请求能予以批准。 张萍 2010年 5 月18 日 ( Language Points Key Words and Phrases sick leave 病假 business leave事假 headache n. 头痛 cold n. 感冒 flu n. 流感 absent adj. 缺席 certificate n. 证明 enclose v. 附上 Language Points Useful Sentence Patterns I am writing to ask for a sick leave of two days. 我特向您请两天病假。 I am writing to ask for two days’ business leave. 我特向您请两天事假。 I am very sorry that I am unable to attend school today owing to/because of a bad cold/headache/stomachache /toothache. 非常抱歉,我因重感冒/头痛/ 胃痛/牙痛今天不能前去上课。 I beg to apply for a leave of three days from the 14th to 16th. 我请求准许我从本月14日至16 日请三天的假。 I would like to have one week’s leave of absence beginning on January 14. 我想从1 月14日起请假一周。 Language Points Useful Sentence Patterns I hope that my request will be kindly granted. 希望我的请求能得到批准。 I will be very grateful if you will grant me my application. 若蒙批准,不胜感激。 I want to ask for an extension of leave for two days. 我请求假期再延长两天。 Please give me an extension of leave for two more days.



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