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;Environment Vocationally Related English;;Unit 1;Unit 1;正文翻译;正文翻译;正文翻译;正文翻译;正文翻译;正文翻译;  1.In contrast to more theoretical disciplines , environmental science is missionoriented . That is ,it seeks new , valid , generalizable knowledge about the natural world and our impacts on it , but obtaining this information creates a responsibility to get Involved in trying to do something about the problems we have created.   不同于其他理论学科,环境科学是以任务为导向的。亦即它需要新的、有效的关于自然界及我们对其产生的影响的基本常识,通过这些信息,建立一种怎样解决我们已经产生的问题的责任意识。 2.The development of science and technology in the twentieth century has greatly raised the quality of human life but at the same time it has also led to some serious Problems threatening the survival of human beings.   二十世纪的科技发展大大提高了人类的生活质量,但同时也引发了一些严重的问题,威胁着人类的生存。;environmental science 环境科学 social institutions 社会机构 artifacts 人工环境 highly interdisciplinary 高度跨学科的 theoretical disciplines 理论学科 mission-oriented 任务导向的 environmental protection 环保 the greenhouse effect 温室效应 sulphur dioxide 二氧化硫 weak acids 弱酸;environment [in?vai?r?nm?nt] n.环境 define [di?fain] v.解释,给……下定义;规定,限定,使明确 circumstance [?s??k?mst?ns] n.环境;[PL.]境况 individual [?indi?vid?u?l] adj.单独的;个别的 inhabit [in?h?bit] v.居住在;栖居于 precede [pri?si?d] v.(顺序,位置或时间上)处在……之前;(地位等)高于 systematic [?sisti?m?tik] adj.系统的 relatively [?rel?tivli] adv.比较而言地;相当地;相对地 integrate [?intigreit] v.使成一体,使结合,使合并(+with/into);求……的总和 valid [?v?lid] adj.(法律上)有效的;(正式)认可的 generalize [?d?en?r?laiz] v.概括,归纳;笼统地讲 scene [si?n] n.地点;现场事件;场面;情景 threatening [ ] adj.威胁的;恐吓的;survival [s??vaiv?l] n.生存,存活;幸存;残存物 radiant [?reidi?nt] adj.辐射的;放射的 petrol [?petr?l] n.汽油 nitrogen [?naitr?d??n] n.氮;氮气 dissolve [di?z?lv] v.使(固体)溶解;融化 stonework [?st?unw??k] n.(建筑物的)石造部分 corrode [k??r?ud] v.腐蚀;侵蚀 railing [?reili ] n.栏杆,扶手;栅栏,围栏 refrigerator [ri?frid??reit?] n.冰箱,雪柜;冷藏室;冷冻库 indirectly [?indi?rektli] adv.间接地;迂回地;婉转地;不坦率地 poisonous [?p?iz?n?s] adj.引起中毒的;有毒的 eventually [i?vent?u?li] adv.最后;终于;coastal [?k?ustl] adj沿海的;靠近海岸的 radioactive [?reidi?u??ktiv] adj.放射性的


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