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;汽 车 英 语;;;;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;;;;;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;参考译文;知识拓展;知识拓展;思考练习;UNIT FOUR STEERING;UNIT FOUR STEERING;了解汽车转向系的相关知识,掌握 有关词汇、词组;会看汽车转向系方面的文章;TEXT A How Car Steering Works ;TEXT A How Car Steering Works ; You might be surprised to learn that when you turn your car,your front wheels are not pointing in the same direction(Fig.4.1). For a car to turn smoothly,each wheel must follow a different circle[1].Since the inside wheel is following a circle with a smaller radius,it is actually making a tighter turn than the outside wheel[2].If you draw a line perpendicular to each wheel,the lines will intersect at the center point of the turn[3].;TEXT A How Car Steering Works ;The geometry of the steering linkage makes the inside wheel turn more than the outside wheel. There are a couple different types of steering gears.The most common are rack-and-pinion and recirculating ball. [1]“a different circle”是指“不同的半径”。; [2]it is actually making a tighter turn than the outside wheel.如直译则为 “它正在实际上超过外面的轮子做一个较紧的旋转”。 分析一下, making a turn意为 “转弯”, tighter意为 “转弯半径比较小”。 因此原文翻译为 “实际上, 转弯时内侧车轮滚过的距离比外侧车轮小”。 [3]汽车转向时,要使各车轮都只滚动不滑动,各车轮必须围绕一个中心点转动。;词汇学习;词汇学习;参考译文;知识拓展;思考练习;TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering;TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering; Rack-and-pinion steering(Fig.4.2)is quickly becoming the most common type of steering on cars,small trucks and SUVs.It is actually a pretty simple mechanism.A rack-and-pinion gearset is enclosed in a metal tube,with each end of the rack protruding from the tube[1].A rod,called a tie rod,connects to each end of the rack[2].;TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering; The pinion gear is attached to the steering shaft.When you turn the steering wheel,the


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