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新课导入 思 考 make a long list 新课导入 play tennis 新课讲解 Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. School is over. They are excited for the summer! Jenny:How did you do on the English exam,Danny? Danny:Good...I hope. Jenny:Im sure you did well. What are you going to do for the summer? Do you have any plans? Danny:Yes,I have big plans. My uncle has a house near the lake. Im going to stay with his family for one month. 新课讲解 Jenny:Wow!That will be so fun. Danny:Yeah. We will do so many things. We made a long list. We will go swimming and play in the sun every day!We will eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather. We will play basketball,tennis,volleyball and football. Its going to be a great summer. Im looking forward to it!How about you,Jenny?What are you going to do? 新课讲解 Jenny:Well, Im going to... Danny:Sorry, Jenny. My mum is waiting for me. I have to go. Have a good summer! Jenny:OK,Danny. You too! 新课讲解 Language point 1 Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. final adj.最后的;最终的 final的副词形式为finally最后,终于, 相当于at last/in the end。 e.g. Finally,he finished the work. 最后,他完成了那项工作。 e.g. Is this his final decision? 这是他最后的决定吗? 新课讲解 Language point 2 I’m sure you did well. 我确信你做得好。 be sure “确信”,后面可跟that从句或动词不定式。 be sure of后跟名词或代词。 e.g. I’m sure that he will e. 我确信他会来。 e.g. The boy is sure to be a good doctor. 这个男孩一定会成为一名好医生。 e.g. I’m sure of my su ess. 我确信我会成功。 新课讲解 Language point 3 I’m going to stay with his family for one month. 我打算在他家待一个月。 be going to“ 将要”,表示强调按计划、安排去做某事。will“将要”,表示将来要发生的事,可与be going to互换。但表示纯粹的将来时,不能与be going to互换。 e.g. I’m going to study art in Beijing. 我打算在北京学美术。 e.g. I’ll be 15 next year. 明年我就15岁了。 新课讲解 Language point 4 Im going to stay with his family for one month. for one month 一个月 对“for+时间段”提问用“How long”。 e.g. —How long have you studied English? 你学英语多久了? —For over two years. 两年多了。 新课讲解 1 Dear Diary, I am so excited today. We wrote our final ________ and sch


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