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;Unit 1Money ;;Warm-up Activities;II. Group work
Different items have been used as money at some time in history. Work in small groups, discussing how each of them was used in history or is still being used today.
III.Think about and then make a list of all the different currencies you know in the world today, for example, yuan, dollar, pound…
;Background Information ;Functions of money
Medium of exchange
Unit of account
Store of value
Standard of deferred payment
Measure of value
Types of money
Commodity money
Representative money
Fiat money
Paper money
Commercial bank money
Digital money;Money is historically an emergent market phenomenon establishing a commodity money, but nearly all contemporary money systems are based on fiat money.
Fiat money, like any check or note of debt, is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity. It derives its value by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for all debts, public and private. Such laws in practice cause fiat money to acquire the value of any of the goods and services that it may be traded for within the nation that issues it.
;The word “money” is believed to originate from a temple of Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Rome‘s seven hills. In the ancient world Hera was often associated with money. The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of Ancient Rome was located. The name Juno may derive from the Etruscan goddess Uni (which means the one, unique, unit, union, united) and Moneta either from the Latin word monere (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word moneres (alone, unique).
In the Western world, a prevalent term for coin-money has been specie, stemming from Latin in specie, meaning in kind.;
Money Supply
The money supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and bank money (the balance held in checking accounts and savings accounts).
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