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课标分析 依据《英语课程标准》的理念,本节课从运用的角度出发、从帮助学生形成有效的学习策略的角度出发,设计各个环节,整节课以学生为主体,教师指导学生通过观察、体验、探究、合作等积极主动的学习方式,发现语言规律并运用到各种语言实践活动中,重在培养学生综合运用语法知识的能力。 学情分析 本节课授课年级为高三。经过高一高二的教学,学生已经初步掌握定语从句的应用,但是在高三备考过程中,定语从句的综合运用是学生在英语学习中的难点,尤其是长难句的分析、定语从句与其他从句或句型的区分以及定语从句在写作中的恰当使用都是英语学习过程中的重点和难点。 评测练习 定语从句在语法填空中的运用 Practice: 1. The man ______________is talking to me is a friend of my father’s. 2. The school ____________is famous here has a long history. 3. I live in the house _________windows face south. 4. He is the boy ________we are waiting for. 5. I will never forget the day __________we were in the country. 6. This is the park _________you took photos last Sunday. 7. That was the reason ________he was late for school. Compare (1): 1. This is the factory _______ we visited yesterday. This is the factory _____ my father worked last year. 2. I will never forget the day ______ I was born. I will never forget the day ______ we spent together last year. Compare (2): 1. All ________ we have to do is to practice every day. 2. The first lesson _______ I learned will never be forgotten. 3. I have read all the books ________ you gave me. 4. They talked of things and persons __________ they remembered in the school. 5. Who is the boy ________ was here just now? 1. The city in ______ she lives is far away. 2. I am reading Harry Porter, ______ is an interesting book. 3. He failed in the exam, ______made his parents angry. Compare (3): 1. Mr. Li has three daughters, none of __________ is an engineer. 2. Mr. Li has three daughters, but none of __________ is a dancer. 3. Mr. Li has three daughters; ___________ are doctors. Compare (4): 1. It is the house ______I met the young man. 2. It was in the house ______ I met the young man. Compare (5): 1. The new ______ he told me is a good news. 2. The new ______ he died in the car accident shocked everyone in his office. 定语从句在改错中的运用 考点一 1.Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth. 2.The key opens the bike is missing. 3. I like the book he l



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